Rogerrabbit: Useless Cunt (or "Stupid Bitch")

At the end of the day, SHE had the first decision. SHE approved it. Then made me waste a day.

If any of you lost a day on an affiliate campaign because of your am or whatever, you'd be bitching up a storm. "Feelings" shouldn't come into the.

She wasted my time. Not her company, not her manager, HER. Why can't she be held accountable?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I just got from the grocery store and the cashier had to swipe my credit card like 5 times... What a wasteful day... Should I make the post next? :)
Yeah, this shit is getting ridiculous.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I just got from the grocery store and the cashier had to swipe my credit card like 5 times... What a wasteful day... Should I make the post next? :)
Yeah, this shit is getting ridiculous.

did you spend the entire work day at this hypothetical cash register and lose an entire day or work?


so shut the fuck up and be on your way.
Peter, you are fat and ugly. I suggest loose weight and get some plastic surgery. I assure you, the Shoemoney method doesn't require you to go that far.

and the dipshit of the day award goes to...

internet tough guys. awesome.

We all know things on wickedfire can, sometimes, be a smidge on the brutal side. This, however, is totally excessive.

It's painfully obvious that some of us were clearly picked on in high school. fuck, go be a cop already. No, wait - that would mean actually having the balls to act like that to someone's face. i take it back.
and the dipshit of the day award goes to...

internet tough guys. awesome.

We all know things on wickedfire can, sometimes, be a smidge on the brutal side. This, however, is totally excessive.

It's painfully obvious that some of us were clearly picked on in high school. fuck, go be a cop already. No, wait - that would mean actually having the balls to act like that to someone's face. i take it back.

Also, some of us can't tell the trolls from the members and they have a little sand in their vaginas. But it's been a tense few weeks on Wickedfire and we're all a bit testy. I still love you mumblejae. You're forgiven buddy.
Also, some of us can't tell the trolls from the members and they have a little sand in their vaginas. But it's been a tense few weeks on Wickedfire and we're all a bit testy. I still love you mumblejae. You're forgiven buddy.

for the record, my vadge is so tight that sand is now a 3 karat diamond. sure, it's a little sticky, but that fucker is going straight to my new grill.
WahhhWahhhWahh you stupid fapper. Go watch Fight Club again. Particularly the part where they blow up creditcard companies. Very satisfying. Now STFU about your lameass pathetic life, nobody actually cares.