Rogerrabbit: Useless Cunt (or "Stupid Bitch")

Do any of you actually understand that who you are talking about is a real person? What do you think you are possibly going to gain from this other than making someone feel like shit?

This is ridiculously stupid.
people make mistakes and she notified you of this.. this thread is wayyy out of line. I vote lock this shit before it gets out of hand.
I never figured you were the type to stick up for the ladies, barman. I'm impressed.
WickedFire. Where we come to ruin people's credibility by ranking for their name in the SERP's.

I agree that she might not be the best employee, but all these threads lately on WickedFire piss me off. None of them provide anything useful anymore and I will refrain from coming here nearly as often.
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What happened to me sucked. It shouldn't have happened and could have been avoided. If I can successfully prevent this from happening to anyone else, that would be a huge accomplishment.

I posted the fasts. If someone's feelings get hurt in the process, that's really not my concern. I lost a lot of time (time == money) dealing with her error and she should be held accountable.
my opinion:

SEO'ing for a company's name = OK
SEO'ing for a person's name = not ok

they just suck at their job, they didn't do anything malicious to you. they have a life outside of work and friends or family might see this thread, not really cool. it'd be different if they scammed you.
my opinion:

SEO'ing for a company's name = OK
SEO'ing for a person's name = not ok

they just suck at their job, they didn't do anything malicious to you. they have a life outside of work and friends or family might see this thread, not really cool. it'd be different if they scammed you.

Yo Mikey, you know I got your back.

But honestly this seems like a pretty typical thing in the process of issuing credit. You're young, coming up fast. You know how to hustle and get what you want. When you talk to these people, they're going to begin filing whatever paperwork they can to get you going. Even if it has to come down from the top that they can't do it, that might take a bit of time. She might have even tried to go to bat for you on the issue only to be denied from management. (I worked at a car dealership for a minute way back, it happens a lot on credit issues or did 10 years ago anyway.)

Also, just to face facts, I had this happen to me over a much larger issue I've tried to face and address but circumstances have prolonged the issue. This sort of thing can keep someone from getting a job for quite a long time. Even if she is completely inept, people are still people; we all fuck up, or have fucked up. That doesn't mean we should be denied future chances at doing things right by learning from our mistakes.

Not to mention, going after her personally versus the company seems a bit harsh. Typically a company has liability against the actions of individual employees, but with the transparency of the internet I don't think employees get the same respect.

What happens when her friends search for her name out of curiosity or for some viral facebook post?

Anyway, just some thoughts from a crunk affiliate. Handle your biz son.
At the end of the day, SHE had the first decision. SHE approved it. Then made me waste a day.

If any of you lost a day on an affiliate campaign because of your am or whatever, you'd be bitching up a storm. "Feelings" shouldn't come into the.

She wasted my time. Not her company, not her manager, HER. Why can't she be held accountable?
yeah these kinds of threads are pretty lame. taking on Chris Desouza was one thing - but this? come on