Renting apartment with "online" income?

Tell them you're an AM in EWA......and tell this to EWA, they will gladly put your name on their website as a new AM. (You need fake job and EWA needs a fake AM - win to win)

It also depends on your credit history. Most apartments do a credit check and ask for your annual income, at least that's what they did for me.

If you are making decent coin and have a good credit history you should have no problem at all.
Tax returns will usually do, if you don't have at least one year of history of income (and thus no tax return) I'd suggest staying with your folks - that way you can build up a nice safety net so you're not completely fucked if everything dries up.

I've seen so many people crash and burn in this industry I've always played it VERY safely.
Furnished apartments are pretty rare in Vancouver unless you're talking serious executive type shit and then you're talking 3 or 4 times as much ($8-10k?), whereas almost everything rents furnished here in Spain. Of course there are some sick ass apartments in the heart of the city for a fortune, there are in every city.

If the OP is ballin' that far out of control then pardon my peasant ass. I'm only paying €750 for a 3 bedroom townhouse so I forget what the big city is like. $2500 a month would get me a rather large villa with a pool boy and gardener here!

It's pretty common to find furnished listings in downtown Toronto (I'm currently renting one). I'm just assuming the OP is looking for a 1 bedroom furnished in downtown Toronto since he's quoting between $2000-$2500. Unfurnished 1 bedrooms in the downtown core are usually a few hundred dollars cheaper.

Keep in mind, these prices are for really nice condos in the downtown core. You can probably find something for $1000 but it will be unfurnished and it won't be nearly as nice. Downtown Toronto is still very cheap compared to other major cities IMO.

Also, you can probably find something nice for 1000-1300 if you don't mind living with roommates.
Don't be such a curmudgeon. Kid's looking to move out on his own for the first time.

Kid can support a $2500/mo rent off of his computer and he's still at home..?

Something ain't addin' up.

I was out at 18, so I'm all for doing it sooner than later, trust me. I just don't see what's taken so long, and the fact he's going from 0 rent to $ tell me.
From one Canuck to another... stay at your parents till you have enough to build your own home. The money you save in rent will buy you a ton seo options to make even more. Dont jump the gun on moving if you dont have to
Rule of thumb: your rent should not be greater than 1 weeks pay. This keeps you ahead.

First and last months rent should get you into any apartment with no credit check.

Congrats on doing well in IM.
Kid can support a $2500/mo rent off of his computer and he's still at home..?

Something ain't addin' up.

I was out at 18, so I'm all for doing it sooner than later, trust me. I just don't see what's taken so long, and the fact he's going from 0 rent to $ tell me.

Yea, it doesn't really make much sense, but I am one of those social anxiety/emotional cripple/low self esteem people that has been stuck in an extremely negative environment for my whole life (my parents house - disabled mother, deadbeat dad, etc). I am still working through a lot of my own psychological issues.
I've rented for over 5 years as a self employed person.

If it's a rental company, just show them your bank statements. I don't see what the problem would be?

If it's a private owner, then you should even have less of an issue. Most private owners are way more flexible than faceless property management companies.

In either case, I've had exactly ZERO problems being self employed and trying to rent. Don't sweat it. Good luck bros.
Yea, it doesn't really make much sense, but I am one of those social anxiety/emotional cripple/low self esteem people that has been stuck in an extremely negative environment for my whole life (my parents house - disabled mother, deadbeat dad, etc). I am still working through a lot of my own psychological issues.

So why don't you get the hell out of there a.s.a.p. then?

I also have social anxiety but I can tell you, life is much better in south east asia. And in regards to your social anxiety, a big advantage you have here is you can go out to eat here 3 times a day because it's cheap. So if you're isolated in your country that's already something that will make you be more around people.

And of course the girls, I mean yes some will like you because of the money but in general the women here also have less of an ego/entitlement attitude then in western countries.

And then the people in general are also more friendly here.

I live in Boracay, Philippines. I love windsurfing, that's why I live there, I see myself moving around in the coming years though, maybe I'll try thailand for the food and siargao, philippines for wave surfing.

Try it, life is cheaper here also and the climate rocks.
... your parents can't co-sign the lease for you? that way, if you do go broke, the landlord can always come and get the cash from your parents. Thats how most landlords do it for college students around here.