Renting apartment with "online" income?

I've never had an issue with this.... At ANY apartment complex. Zero have asked for renter's history..

Step One: Put down the normal deposit.

Step Two: Make sure you dress in a suit, people will trust you. (Most approvals depend on your impression). Just be a normal person, be friends with them, and casually talk about your previous apartment and how you were there for over a year, etc.

Step Three: Bring in a PayPal statement. In my case I brought in a PayPal transaction history for the last 3 months. It showed all my transfers for various companies. My account balance was $17K. (People TRUST PayPal, they know it's a business itself). If you don't use that, just Photoshop the numbers up (very easy to do). So now they can see the $ income coming in, plus a large savings in case the money stops.

Step Four: Pay two months rent in advanced. (Not one, the first, but two).

And... That's really all there is to it. This has worked for the past 6 apartments I've had. Never had to show any bank statements, tax income forms, renter's history, no credit score pulling, etc. And I've been in corp owned places to individual owned places.

Good luck.

they will run a credit check and you can give them a copy of your tax return

if you want you can also give them your savings/checking account statement.

Agree with ^ or for proof of income 1099s work as well. If your credit sucks or is non-existent you'll probably need a cosigner or have to put up more of a deposit.
When I rented I pre-paid all my leases in 6 month blocks (always got a discount for that). First time I had no rental history and shit credit. I dressed nice, talked to the leasing manager and told them that I was self employed, had no refrences and am willing to pay the lease up front in full along with a security deposit.

She couldn't get the forms out fast enough.
Renting a house and apartment is only the start... wait for the hassle of buying a house when you run your own small business! It's def. easier to own a corporation, and get a "real paycheck".

The easiest is having enough $ in the bank and doing a print-out of one of your accounts. This works for financing houses, cars, renting apartments/houses, and much more.

You can then OFFER to pay up front 6mo or 12mo and I've never had a place tell me "sure"... most just say it's not needed.

With the market today no way in hell I'd pay up front for a house rental though... most renters go through a property management company and I've never had one say they could accept $ up front anyway.

House rental through management companies is normally easier than apartments I've found too. Management companies want to rent so they can earn more $$, and management at the company that show houses get a commission/bonus for renting so we've had them bend the rules, and change lease agreements to our liking.

Try to negotiate as much as possible!

My first apartment years ago we got 2 months free, and had them spread it out over the 14month lease! That saved us a couple hundred a month and was awesome!

Lower deposit, 1 month free spread out, etc, etc.
Asking for damage deposits or key money is illegal in Ontario.

Renting in Ontario | CMHC

IIRC in BC, it's typically just a half a month's rent as a damage deposit and here in Spain it's any combination of first month, last month, plus damage deposit. Hence the reason why I said "some combination thereof" but thanks for clarifying that. Useful info for the OP.

When we were renting in Vancouver the property management company took 12 months of post dated cheques off us each year for the rent and we never heard from them unless we needed something repaired.
Set up a company, give yourself a wage, job title and payslip. Always worked for me


It's really not that hard to fool people into thinking you're a big shot: have a professional website set up for your business (if you don't already have one), say you're employed by X company as a web marketer. References could be someone you worked with, friends, who cares.
When I lived in Ontario all leases were always for 12 months. I talked the first place into a 6 month lease though by paying first and last in cash, and just generally being nice to the lady. But that was at a smaller place - no management company.

If you can swing paying 6 months ahead of time do it. Cash always opens doors faster. Just be nice and honest and someone will help you out.

Have you called anyone yet?
You could always try subletting on a site like Not the cheapest, but you'd save yourself from any real commitments and you could take things on a monthly basis.
I've always just listed myself as the CEO of my website, never had a problem.
Renting apartment with "online" income?

I'll make it quick.

I'm finally making enough money online so I can move out of my parents basement. I'm no longer scum, just a peasant now...

Heck, I haven't really had a "real job" in my life before.

my budget is around $2000-$2500 month. (Gets a 1 bedroom apartment here)

I just picked the $2500 based on what I have seen. I am more focused on the issue of the no job issue / prepayment right now.

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He's probably looking at furnished listings + he wants a downtown spot. $2000-$2500 is what you're looking at, some spots can run up to $6000 (Like the Ritz condos).

Furnished apartments are pretty rare in Vancouver unless you're talking serious executive type shit and then you're talking 3 or 4 times as much ($8-10k?), whereas almost everything rents furnished here in Spain. Of course there are some sick ass apartments in the heart of the city for a fortune, there are in every city.

If the OP is ballin' that far out of control then pardon my peasant ass. I'm only paying €750 for a 3 bedroom townhouse so I forget what the big city is like. $2500 a month would get me a rather large villa with a pool boy and gardener here!
Landlord will assume you are either a drug dealer or a prostitute. Kinda thinking that myself based on the info posted.
Does it really cost $2k/month for an apartment in Toronto?

I was paying $2k/month for a small, furnished 1 bdrm apartment in Vancouver. Nice place, hardwood floors, suede furniture and shit like that, but small.

Then in Toronto we had an old, unfurnished 2 bdrm in North York (decent way from city center, but not bad). Nothing fancy, and what you would expect to live in if you're a college student, kinda of thing. That was $900/month.
Don't pay upfront. You might discover something in the rental that will make you want to move.

Be confident and look good. If you do that, you shouldn't have much trouble.
Just pretend you have a job. Make a fake company website with a VOIP number that forwards to you. Give it as a reference. They only usually ask for letter from a employer, and never any hard proof. You can just the letter yourself.
since u are still a peasant, why not settle for something cheaper? For like 1.6k I rented a nice aptment on Yonge and Sheppard before. 2 bedroom too. All utilities included.