I've thought about this a lot recently after having been with a drama queen who made me realise quite a bit about women's thinking and behaviour.
It's nice that we all want a stable, normal, emotionally proper woman, but I find it unlikely that there are many of them, and I am not sure us men even really want that, the drama makes us fall in love.
This is probably the best advice in the thread:
I don't have a problem with women who like money. I don't really have a problem with any women. I accept them for the indecisive, emotionally fragile, absolutely necessary creatures that they are.
I also think that a lot of you are pushing blame and responsibility onto the woman. If you want the woman to stay with you, you have to do something about it. You can't put in nothing, and expect the woman to put everything in and stay with you. Investment in the relationship that the girl can see is very important.
If she leaves you, it's your fault. I've been cheated on by the above mentioned girl and it was the worst feeling I ever felt, but I know deep down that is was my fault, at the time she had no respect for me whatsoever, and I did that.
An alpha male takes responsibility for his actions and behaviour, and won't be cheated on.
Back to the start of the thread, if you want security and comfort in a relationship, you are already not on equal terms with the woman, and you are already giving up respect. You are already a pussy and not the leader of the tribe. How do you expect the woman to sleep with you and be attracted to you?
Women DO want security, which is probably why they stay with someone just for the mortgage. Leaving would be too big a risk.
I honestly don't know where we are supposed to go if we have a problem without losing respect in the woman's eyes. This seriously fucks with my head.