my experiment with infusing liquor with cannabis has provided remarkable results.... thanks for remembering it, grojak.
I came to the idea thanks to two heavy drinkers i know and love, neither of whom could stop drinking till it was ALL gone, and neither of whom used cannabis. I got a bottle of each's preferred alcohol (jamesons for one, Glenfiddich for the other, and a big bottle of premium tequila for ME), stuffed the bottles with dry buds, let them sit in the dark for a few months, then gave them to my hoochie friends, without conditions.
Both of them can now take ONE shot of the medicated booze, and be race to drink more.
My theory was that cannabis reacts in the body according to the system through which it is it and you get one result; slather it on, you get another; smoke it you get yet another; deliver via sugar, yet another.....and obviously these two heavy drinkers has something "awry" and uncontrolled in their alcohol uptake system, something that was grossly....UNsatisfied.
By adding cannabis to their booze, they get the needed "hit" of alcohol via their alcohol uptake system, and they ALSO got "satisfaction" via the cannabis....without having to overindulge and get all shit faced and alky. it is remarkable! Even with the open and available bottle on the table....both now stop at one shot, without craving more.....and thoroughly LOVE the freedom...and healthy feeling... it has allowed in their life. My theory is that cannabis infused alcohol mediates alcohol addiction (how ironic is that??)
As for me...i take a nice shot of my medicated tequila (Tres Generations) anytime i feel "infected" or "icked" by something...i call it "granny's medicine bottle." LOL