Reducing Rejection From Women

In the end though...

I think there's a place where you can get fake ATM receipts with your name on it which display's varying balances in excess of $300k. Keep some of those on you as your default "something to write on" and scribble out your number on the back of these slips when you're trolling chicks. Should improve your conversion rates significantly.
LOL. Thanks for the kind words here. However, you'll note that I am the most anti-PUA guy you'll ever meet. The reason I started writing all this cock blocking literature was to stop slimy PUA guys from trying to horn in on women I was talking to because they think I am some harmless skinny guy.

As for NYC ... I just approached some girls on the street, told them the truth, and they were into it. Trust me when I say I've had the situation go the opposite direction more times than I can count. I just got lucky. And then again when I pulled that chick from the elevator. (Who I'm now told is the Fiance of one of the Blink 182 bandmembers?!)

Pretty shitty video/LP

Read some of the 'classic' writings here,
The Attraction Forums - Free Pickup and Dating Advice

It's more legit and thought out of advice, except the upsell crap.

How people react to you has a lot of factors involved, how you are viewed by other people, what mood the other people are in, what situation other people are in. A lot of the rejection is never anything you could of helped, so much like worrying about a meteor striking the Earth, it's not worth the trouble to worry why a girl rejected you.

The road to getting women is gradually making you a man, deal with it when your young.
LOL. Thanks for the kind words here. However, you'll note that I am the most anti-PUA guy you'll ever meet. The reason I started writing all this cock blocking literature was to stop slimy PUA guys from trying to horn in on women I was talking to because they think I am some harmless skinny guy.

As for NYC ... I just approached some girls on the street, told them the truth, and they were into it. Trust me when I say I've had the situation go the opposite direction more times than I can count. I just got lucky. And then again when I pulled that chick from the elevator. (Who I'm now told is the Fiance of one of the Blink 182 bandmembers?!)


Ballin' crazy out the game.
How come all the PUAs look like slimy porn star looking guys?

I'm sexy as fuck so bitches gravitate towards me regardless of what I say to them.
I went through a phase where I would use Socratic Method, but I stopped when I realized that every time I used it, it always ended badly for me.

Woman: Wow, are you gay?
You: Does one really need to ponder homosexuality?
It pretty much works on the premise that you make their decisions on their behalf, then convince them that the decision you made for them is what they would have made and/or should have made on their own. It works I've done it a few times (to be honest, last night and it worked very well haha) - but it's also nothing new. PUA's have been using this for a while now. Just ask Enigmabomb how he hooked the 6ish chicks in NY that night *cough*

I think what that "method" is coming from is that a decision was not there to be made in the first place. What I like about the video is the use of "How have you been?". This gets the cock blocks to think you know her and hence does not cock block you.
Damn, I've never had a problem with rejection. I was just a very confident dude. I'm married now, buy my play book should still be successful. A friend and I use to bone skanks all the time. Here's a couple of ways you can do this.

- Act like you're the man

- Give the "damn you're lookin good" etc.. They like some compliments.

- If you're out at a bar or club, get a request for No Diggity or Pony by Genuine. This will sure get her out on the dance floor for you to grind your pecker on her.

- And fuck the cock blockers. Put their ass in place when this happens.

All women like confident guys. There's one method I've used plenty of times that seemed to work pretty good. If you want to get into a conversation with somebody just walk up to them and be like "Damn, you look so familiar, are you from ________?" They will usually be like "no". Now you're in the door to score. Pickup some light conversation then ask to buy a drink etc..

You'll be on your way to boning skanks in no time.

good luck bro
do you want some bar room advice? be an asshole. don't be easily available. don't let them know every detail about you. be vague. ask all the questions. it's all about them. serious. you will be on your way in no time. does it make sense? no. does it work? yes. never be afraid to approach the hottie in the group. they need dick, too. and if you do get married, marry the hottest piece you can find, because they are all bitches after awhile. might as well have the eye candy. true. true.
Wow! Thanks this was a very helpful video.

The blue eyed, rock star looking guy with perfect teeth and a cool British accent is showing us how easy it is to pick up girls. And he can do it convertly with his non-verbal techniques!

OK..... the truth is that women DON'T LIKE TO GO ON DATES!

I know this because I have asked hundreds of them out and all but a few have said "no thanks" or "I was kind of looking for a blue eyed rock star with perfect teeth and a cool British accent"
Fuck all this pickup artists BS. All you guys need to remember is this simple equation:


Geez. Right, I'm off to clear out my freezer.
</snip> one simple golden rule: Don't give a fuck.


man hearing all this PUA stuff is soooo depressing, like is there really guys who go out pulling like it's a job?! Just enjoy yourself, rip the piss of the girls and you should score well.

Oh ya, and women are as shallow and superficial as guys but don't admit it. The more jacked my fibraz get, the more receptive hot women are to my pisstaking.
Here is the real playbook:

Show up early and find a good hiding place in the parking lot. Get pictures of bitches and their cars as they show up. Go have a good time at the bar once the parking lot cools off. Make sure you leave a little early and then go back to the parking lot to find the car of, say, choices 1, 2, and 3. Push the first one that shows up into her car and jump in behind her so you can drive her back to the hide out. Don't worry about the others - if you're any good, you should have a hook up at the DMV to run their plates for addresses from the pictures you took.

Rinse (literally) and repeat.