Really struggling with PPC Arbitrage

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juniodude said:
Hey i was wondering, though, will the blue underlined topics thing confuse ppl and make them think that those "nurse needed ads" cant be clicked? And also should I leave an image above the ad block even if i add the 4 images?
No, remove the image above the ad and put that image into the top header or something.

I'm not sure if the colors will confuse them, give it a try without the underline or different colors... confusion might work as a tactic.. see what works =]!

Also.. The images next to the google ads need to be related.. be creative =]!

Ok, I will try to make some fixes tonight. If anyone else has suggestions, please feel free to chime in. just for the quick reference, i lost money in arbitrage. my site is if you got suggestions please do share
Well, today, I was able to kind of balance my loss/earnings now today i was able to only lose a little even with the very few changes I made(shorter article, added a big picture on top of the adblock, added a picture in the sidebar, took away the nav links which left a play for people to exit) I think I'm going to change the topic colors and underline things to see how it works out(ill be changing it soon tonight) and also adding smaller images near the ad block. Any other suggestions or thing you that should be done or not done?

edit: actually i added the blue headings, will add the images near the ad tomorrow to see it's difference one at a time.

a couple questions i have up to this point: .06 or .05 should be the max bid right? also for keywords, i know it's a lot of testing out and such, but exactly how much do you stray from your league. for instance, for travel nursing, would you put a keyword,, because it is somewhat relevant and gets lots of searches? is it worth putting a bid of .06 on that? Last of all, I use adlogger right seems to be not exactly reporting the right things, of course, all of these things will have some faulty calculations, but do you recommend anything else?

as for suggestions, keep spamming them at me, I will now on, only post if i have a desperate matter on hand and will update you guys once every night to tell you what i changed and if it did better or not.
the sites looking better from when I first seen it. if you look at (which is a PPC arbitrage site of mine) youll see the navigation on the left. you might want to try that out? its been doing ok for me. the cost per click isnt super high, but it is doing better than the people who come to the site and DONT click anything :)

I have this thread subscribed so I can learn some tips as well. I wish you much success ;)

- Robert DeVore

Couple of comments on your site. Firstly, fulfillment is spelt incorrectly! Secondly, I think you need to work on the picture layout.

I think it would look better with the 2 main pictures seperated and not stretched. I also think that the four pictures below should be reduced to two, slightly larger, seperate pictures.

I also think that your content text is too small, especially as you have a blue background.

Just my 2 cents worth (to coin an American phrase).
You could do some tests so that you can move towards a
higher CTR layout.

Simple A or B test:

Set up two channels in Adsense. A_channel B_channel.

Then have some PHP code in your page(s).
(not real code!)

if(rand(1,100) <= 50))
$layout = 'A'
$layout = 'B'

Then pull in the A or B layout (or at least the modified bits) depending on the value of $layout.

And include the Adsense A_channel or B_channel ads again depending on $layout.

Wait till you have 60-90 clicks (not impressions)
Does A or B have a higher CTR?

Rinse and repeat.

However this can take some time when you have a low
number of clicks per day.

So try some of the suggestions here first, then test and
improve from there.

Writing this reminds me I should be doing more of this

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What would be your the minimum average per click on your contextual ad if you were doing arbitrage? for instance, 20cents is obviously too low right? 40cents? 50cents? 1dollar? or anything as long as you are making profit(even if it is only a 1cent profit?
Depends on volume. If you're making $0.01/click profit, but you're only getting 10 clicks a day, then it's not worth it. However, if you've got some term that's generating 500 clicks a day, then that may be worth it. But realistically $0.01 profit per click is just too risky and would take too much monitoring for my liking. But as I say, it depends on volume.

Your site's looking much better now BTW. Keep going (if you have the money) ;)
Chromate said:
Depends on volume. If you're making $0.01/click profit, but you're only getting 10 clicks a day, then it's not worth it. However, if you've got some term that's generating 500 clicks a day, then that may be worth it. But realistically $0.01 profit per click is just too risky and would take too much monitoring for my liking. But as I say, it depends on volume.

Your site's looking much better now BTW. Keep going (if you have the money) ;)

If you're earning $0.01/click then that defeats the purpose of ppc arbitrage. The minimum bid you can make is $0.01/click and since not every single one of your visitors will click your ads, you'll end up in the negative.
umm, can't discuss much now, b/c i've got to run. but rosem, any like quick suggestions? like less content? less pictures? bigger words?

as for sage, I'm not sure, but i think you are heading for not TOO much content. sometimes too much content will actually just bore people and drive people away, or at least for ppc arbitrage. people can correct me if i'm wrong

as i promised, i will give a daily report: today, i got about 63 clicks and spent about $3 gained about $6(remember not only and also maybe you guys clicked it, thus skewing it a little bit. I will keep this running one more day and try to change one thing tomorrow night.

are there any obscure or weird not related keywords that you guys might suggest for travel nurses? like things you guys think would actually work? for instance, is "doctor" too far from my keyword to be making from it? or do you play risky and venture even farther?
juniodude said:
umm, can't discuss much now, b/c i've got to run. but rosem, any like quick suggestions? like less content? less pictures? bigger words?

as for sage, I'm not sure, but i think you are heading for not TOO much content. sometimes too much content will actually just bore people and drive people away, or at least for ppc arbitrage. people can correct me if i'm wrong

as i promised, i will give a daily report: today, i got about 63 clicks and spent about $3 gained about $6(remember not only and also maybe you guys clicked it, thus skewing it a little bit. I will keep this running one more day and try to change one thing tomorrow night.

are there any obscure or weird not related keywords that you guys might suggest for travel nurses? like things you guys think would actually work? for instance, is "doctor" too far from my keyword to be making from it? or do you play risky and venture even farther?

Hmm, I would go to some of the companies that are advertising.. and search their content for keywords.
okay so for today's daily report: not too much to say. got a surge of traffic. helped me pinpoint a couple of sites that simply did not give enough per click on my adsense(like in the 10-15cents range) and so i will be cutting those. I will continue travel nursing though simply to keep you guys updated on whats going on and what is helping me. Also tonight, I will be adding images right up and close to my ads. this may cluster the page a little, but I'm trying it simply to try it out. we'll see.

edit: tonight I will be doing a little cosmetic work on this site. some pictures and such.
edit2: actually I will try to add the images near the things tonight and save the cosmetics for another night...haha,..if anyone even reads this or cares=D
Uh,..i need a quick opinion, is my page right now with an image on top of the 336 ad block with the images next to them too crowded? should i move the image on top of the ad block lower down in the page? delete it? or leave it and give it a try?
I would axe this image at the top of the page. It really serves no purpose as it dosen't draw my eye to the ads below it that already have images next to them. Also, it pushes your ads below the fold... not so great. I'd also get rid of all the dead space at the top and bottom of the page. Get the header image at the very top of the window to move more content (and ads) above the fold.
ok, nice point. now my sidebar is coming out at the bottom though, should i get rid of the pic in the nav bar?
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