Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2006
What can a noobie expect from affiliate marketing? It's not get-rich-overnight anymore and it takes so to give noobies some picture what to expect if they read and actually try to do stuff for three months.

This is kinda a group effort. Please answer truthfully how much you earned in a month after THREE (3) months of doing shit in internet.

My answer is that I earned about average $500 a month after 3 months from starting. My biggest problem was that it wasn't constant and I had to constantly come up with new stuff to make that $500.

Had some good campaigns and hit around $10k after 3 months. Though it took a long time to take the next step from there.
I believe it depends what you are doing and how hard you work. If you wanna hit 10k in 3 months you can hit 10k in 3 months or more.

If you have previous internet marketing experience or are an experienced web designer, it shouldn't be hard to surpass 10k in 3 months time; just work hard at it and don't quit.
My answer is that I earned about average $500 a month after 3 months from starting. My biggest problem was that it wasn't constant and I had to constantly come up with new stuff to make that $500.

Selling e-books on digitalpoint will do that. You need to keep up with them writin skillz son.
Depends on a number of things. When I "started" I was doing much more reading of blogs and forums and not working at things. I had a list of things I wanted to do, but never really took action. It wasn't until a few months ago that I actually started making some campaigns and ironically enough, I started making money too. I only read blogs/forums if I'm bored or want a break from work instead of the other way around (working if I got tired of reading blogs/forums).

Your earning potential will rely on how hard you work (to start), your cashflow (most people run into credit issues when first starting and scaling up), and getting in on the right things at the right time.

I'd think realistically for most people $1500-$5k would be feasible after 3 months of working hard online.
What's your story when your first started out in AM? Here's mine and I need advice

Hi everyone, it's my first post.

I've seen the newbie guide and forum threads. I have also seen posts elsewhere stating that you guys are starting to get - on a weekly basis - questions similar to what I am about to ask, so I apologise if this is starting to irritate others. I'm sharing more details about my situation probably more than the other posts. Call it a last resort try or desperation if you like :)

Any insights/advice for this newbie aspiring to make money in affiliate marketing would be very much appreciated.

If ever you get to the end of my post, kindly tell me your insights, advices, tips or action plans on what I need to action to realistically earn from the effort that I am expending at the moment.

I’m a 33 year old male. I work for one of the largest international bank earning pretty decent salary compared to most of my peers. I don't mean to brag, but while I'm not exactly the star of the bank, my position is quite respectable. I don't want to appear to conceited, but I'm sharing this to you because I need you to know that I have the learning ability to make this work. What I'm lacking is the technical skills, knowledge, flying hours and mentors like you guys in this forum.

I currently work from 8am and won’t come back home till 7.30pm (it was much later before I found internet marketing).

My family and I got broke when my dad died of cancer last year. Family savings, albeit enough, was soon depleted because we needed to pay hefty medical bills before he eventually passed away.

Money was the main motivating factor for me and family to get back on track. It was in Feb 08 when I found the world of internet marketing.

I’m an informational type of guy – so I spent considerable time (averaging 3 hours a night after work) to educate myself on the web. I’ve since spent close to $2,000 on membership sites, ebooks (mostly craps) and DVDs. I got smarter now and stopped buying them.

I’ve lurked around forums like Warrior Forum, digitalpoint, just being an observer. Then, I found wickedfire, hence this post.

My first real action was 4 months ago, Aug 2008 when I attended a local SEO bootcamp – since then, I’ve been in touch with the community and spent hundreds of hours online after my office hours.

My hours are now like 9am – 7.30pm (office) and 8.30pm – 12.30am (oftentimes it went on to 3am during the first 2 months). So it’s like about 10 hours in office, and 3-4 hours at home. My personal life hasn’t been spectacular thanks to my hours now. This is happening like 4 days in a week and 1.5 days during weekend.

I haven’t made a dime as yet, but this is because I haven’t taken action until 2 weeks back when I decided I’ve downloaded, read enough materials to really start something.

I made $1.36 from Adsense on my first blog – it was more of a test site for me to understand how Adsense works.

Past few months have been very draining. I am extremely frazzled out. Some of you prolly went through the same experience. I’ve wanted to try blogging, Adsense, PPC, building a portal etc. It was information overload at best.

After much consideration on my current situation, I wanna focus on Affiliate Marketing. This is also a result of the research and reading I did during past 4 months, especially yesterday’s inspiration from Kieron Donoghue’ income report posted somewhere in this forum.

Here’s my situation:

1. I like to think I’d still keep my job despite the crisis. I’m still getting my bonus as I exceeded my yearly target at mid-year.

2. My supervisor and the big boss! however is starting to notice that I’m losing the energy and focus at work. I’ve been coming to office late and leaving earlier. The hours have taken its toll on me … and I’m concerned and at times am in doubt if I should ever keep doing what I’m doing now.

3. I've cut down a lot on my clubbing and golf to save up some money to fund my venture. I’m now at a stage where I’m done with much of my research and I wanna start daily action one step at a time. In fact, just a min ago, I got a call from CODEAC (first call from the Affiliate Network - I applied only two days ago with no site reference!)

4. I wanna start an affiliate website probably like Kieron Donoghue’s sites. I am learning to use Wordpress a lot due to SEO factor and cheap cost (am using the free theme now).

5. I have plenty other commitment in life, but for this venture, here is the effort and money that I’m putting in:

- Initial Capital - $2000
- As long as the web is not generating revenue yet, expenses that I can afford to spend is around $300 per month - from my monthly paycheck. My bank is literally becoming my banker to fund my future business.
- Time I can invest is
i. 2 uninterrupted hours a day during weeknites (max. 3 hours a night unless I wanna start screwing up in the office)
ii. 6 uninterrupted hours during Sat and Sun
iii. 3-hour monthly meeting with my local bootcamp community (where I get help and mentoring from top proven SEO engineer and Google Adwords Professional
iv. A 2 week off from work coming year end which I will put to good use to spend more time on this venture.
d. I’m already putting into action my daily plans, small steps at a time, from doing up a Wordpress site, writing 2-3 articles, setting up accounts with the affiliate network (just got my COPEAC app approved - told them I heard them from wickedfire ;)

I don’t know if you could more or less relate to my situation based on my post above, but if you do, I would be grateful if the experts here could share some insights or tips on the following questions.

- For those moonlighting when you first starting out, how much time do you spend at nights when you were first starting out?
- And which gave you the most revenue when you were first starting out? Affiliate Marketing? Ad Banners etc? Blogging?
- What’s the most cost effective way to start out: I can’t write well (not yet) as you could probably tell by now, so I’d be hiring freelancers on my topic areas. I’d probably hire a developer to develop a unique Wordpress theme. I’d probably be paying for some autoresponder service etc.
- I'm not that tech-savvy especially with cpanel, but am comfortable with Wordpress and finding info on the net. My local friends can probably help with PPC and SEO

I need to know if I'm on the right track. I'm starting to get concerned with the mental and energy drain. It's becoming harder for me to sell the idea to my family; it's becoming harder to give the same level of energy and focus at work when I've this consuming obsession with my web venture.

I'm aware that AM world is becoming competitive and expensive to promote. How do I find those niches? Any techniques you could point me to?

Your most candid advice would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

"Do unto others as you would want them do unto you"
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David - just start another thread with that info and your questions. Welcome to the board.
wow david, some people's websites have less info than you just posted... 5 pages of unique content for WF at least... lol

I've only started reading about this 2 weeks ago, probably another month of learning before I start a real go at this.
i hit on something that was a total fluke, but my 3rd month i did around 8k net.
But things are harder now, so i would say lower 1-3k
I launched my first campaign about 2 months ago. Currently doing just under 2k rev a day and close to 1k profit a day consistently.

This is my very first job or source of income ever. Im still in school for another 2 weeks. I still do not know how to do a hyper link and have not even made my own web site yet. Doing this purely with direct linking, testing, tracking and a shit ton of persistence and 100% belief.

The next two months look very pro(fitable)mising.

Aim Higher people. Stop trying and start being.