[Re-opened] LINKSMACK - Huge High PR Blog Posts!

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could i check out a couple of the sites?
How long till you reopen, if i order today is that ok? Just wanted an idea of how long delivery may take.(big daddy)

"ARE YOU F'ing CRAZY" package:

how many url/keyword pairs you can put in every article?
how long will be articles?
"ARE YOU F'ing CRAZY" package:

how many url/keyword pairs you can put in every article?
how long will be articles?

You can put 2 links in each article. You can rotate a couple of keywords in each link. The articles will be around 400-500 words each.


Almost everyone who has ordered will get reports this week. Customers who ordered bulk orders are still on the same schedule. Will hopefully open the service up to new customers in a week.
Hi mate
sorry for not getting back to you sooner
PM me when you are open and I will order big daddy
is it possible to format the links as follows:

One link in every post links to url 1
The second link goes to either url 2, url 3, or url 4. (say 1/3 of the posts linking to url 2, 1/3 to url 3, and 1/3 to url 4)

Please, pm me blog sample if possible.
Really intresting by you service if blog have good qualities ;)
Updates: On all packages, untill I add more, there are now 4-PR5 and 23-PR4 seperate blogs.
Still offering 150-PR3 blogposts and 300-PR2 blogposts depending on package.

25% Discount on ALL packages for the next 48 Hour ONLY. Get in while you can.
Interested in Big daddy package, but I would want more then 3 spun articles. Is it possible to order 12 spun articles? How much would it be with the 25% discount?
There is not a discount code. The prices have been altered on the buy-now link to reflect the discount price. Only taking a couple of more orders
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