Pussy trap


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
So, my best friend just found out his girlfriend told him friday night that she is pregnant. Since 24 months ago when they started dating, he had always told her kids were out of the question for basically the decade ( he's 24, she's 22 ). Nonetheless, she takes a preg-test on Friday night and says she wants to keep it despite his decision otherwise. This guy is a union electrician, she...works part time at a pizza shop, lives at home, has a $10k car loan debt, and mentioned applying for WYC, if anything. Her whole family supports her decision, and it sounds to me, like they're encouraging her decision even if he leaves. He told her if she wants to go against his decision, he's leaving her. My friend is a solid guy in every way possible, and had this been 5-10 years down the line, he'd be totally supportive. He's stressing out hard, and I need to do something..

What would you do to convince the bitch otherwise? Why do girls do this?? Stories welcome...


round house kick to the stomach, works every time
If she wants to keep the kid, then there's nothing else he can do other than to man up and claim responsibility for his actions. Yeah, his actions, you know, like having sex.. that pesky little cause & effect thing that happens sometimes where sex results in pregnancy. He can use any excuse he wants, "She told me she was on the pill", "I used a condom", tough.

The best thing he can do, assuming she keeps it, is to be the best father he can be.

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Tell him to start budgeting out 50% of every paycheck after taxes for child support and paying off that $10k car loan of hers.
Why do girls do this??

She conceived a child all by herself? You and your buddy need to 'realign' your perception. They are both responsible. And if your friend bails, he is going to be responsible via a court order for child support.

You aren't going to 'convince a bitch' to abort or not abort the baby she is carrying.

Step back and use your brain. The situation is what it is.
are you asking why some girls dont want to kill babies?

No. She knew what he said about children from the get go. Raising a child is a mutual decision. All the more reason why I don't get into relationships. Selfish you say? I don't fucking care. I believe it's called being responsible, actually.
Guys, this chick came up to me while working in a coffee shop on my laptop and said she's pregnant. I've never seen her before, but she said she's keeping the kid and going to court to prove it's mine. I told her she's out of her mind because I'm still a virgin. So, I didn't hear from her for a couple weeks and things are good, right? Wong!

Now, three weeks after that first incident I'm at church with my girlfriend of two years. At the Sunday Luncheon one of the girls in our bible study comes up to us and tells me that she needs to talk alone. I tell her that she can say it right there because we're about to leave. She tells me she's pregnant and I'm the father. Since it's church and I don't want to swear, I nicely tell her she's nuts because I'm a virgin and would never cheat on my girlfriend. You can imagine the ride in the car with my girlfriend. She didn't talk to me at all and told me not to call her.

So now, a week later I get a call from my girlfriend saying that she needs to talk. She hadn't returned any of my calls, texts, E-mails, nothing. Her mother wouldn't help me get in touch with her either and her father, my boss, kept ignoring me at work. So, we meet up and she's not alone at the table. She's there with the two crazy chicks from before!

I'm freaking out (in a stoic, mannish way). They finally tell me that I'm not a virgin. I tell them they're out of their minds because I was saving myself. My girlfriend tells me that for the past few months, every Sunday night after we have dinner at her parents, she's been drugging me and allowing the two other women and her to have sex with me. I ask her how could she, because I don't want kids and wanted to save myself for her. I stormed out of there and haven't answered her calls.

Guys, I don't know what to do.
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Since your friend sounds like a selfish cockdick maybe it's better she raises the kid on her own. lol @ stupid people not realizing sex makes babies.