Agree! C&C was kick ass!

Um YES. This and age of empires were the shit.

My first console was a Spectrum ZX8. The games were on radio tapes :) I had PS1 for GranTurismo which was awesome, but after you win 24 hours of Le Mans it pretty much goes cold..

No more consoles for me, unless they really do something special..
Just dropped $1300 into a gaming rig, so highly doubt I'll be buying a console anytime soon. I bought an xbox360 for gta4 a few years back and haven't really even touched it since.

I grew up playing NES, SNES, Dreamcast, Ps1, and Ps2 though. I've always been a diehard gamer. Also loved the old PC games like the old lucasarts adventure games (zach mckracken, maniac mansion, etc), xcom, and the sierra games like king's quest.
How much is the playstation 4 and Xbox gonna be when they come out, I need to start saving...

No official price was given but people speculate $400-$700 range or two models : Basic $429 & Premium $529. Sounds about right. And release date is the Holidays 2013, hope they don't delay it !

When the Playstation 3 came out on November 17, 2006., there was 2 models available : 20gb - $500 & 60gb - $600
After PS4 come's out, we will have more mass shootings and killings. I blame arcades and game's for everything happening to these kids.

Damn, I am good.