Nah dudes all about that donkey kong and the donkey kong 2 and das donkey kong 3.... those games were the best sidescrollers ever. Even the david wise composition was nice as fuck. it was the music that made you love these games.
I like how we got to sit through a two hour console reveal mc'ed by the dullest flannel wearing gay guy in existence and then didn't see the console.

This... How the fuck are you going to plan a massive event to announce the next Playstation and not even show it?
n64 - mario kart and golden eye...boom

sorry but this tops both. name it!

One does not simply beat Samus.
thread is now about ps4 again.

i lolled when i saw the cpu/gpu going into the ps4. way to create something that will be bottom level a year after its out.
SNES > all other consoles

Chrono Trigger, Zelda Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Super Mario World and Super Mario RPG, Street Fighter II Turbo, Final Fantasy II & III, Earthbound, Mega Man X etc - great fucking games back then.

2D sidescrollers are making a comeback. Good shit too.

[ame=]Limbo (trailer HD) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Shank Launch Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - HD Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
If they made a new Crash Bandicoot and Alundra game (more like the first one), I would start gaming again.
Did anyone play Command & Conquer: Red Alert back in the day? I kinda miss driving over to my friend's house for a LAN game, rocking my sexy high end 19" CRT monitor strapped into the passenger seat.

Then drive back again because I forgot to bring the ethernet cable or the 2nd install CD.

Feels like that was before Arpanet.
Command and Conquer Red Alert was one of my favourite games back in the day. A few years ago I purchased some subsequent C&C games with "Red Alert" in the title on the hope that they'd be like the original, but it wasn't the case - way too 3Dy, and far too futuristic for my liking. The graphics and unit design were also pretty horrible.

Can't beat gaming nostalgia, but that's where it ends a lot of the time for me; I never seem to find replaying old games as an enjoyable as I'd hope.

As for the PS4, not really arsed right now. My PS3 rarely gets touched as it is. EDIT: Except for Fifa when people are round.
I dropped C&C:RA for Starcraft: actually loved the servers where you made your own maps n shit.
My first job out of college in 96 was with an adult entertainment company in Vancouver and we had some epic C&C Red Alert matches over the internal network there. It was an awesome game. I too experienced the disappointment of subsequent C&C titles. None held a candle to the original.
Sony is advertising like hell over YouTube, shit. 2 min long commercial, too. Can't say I'm all that impressed either.
I am PC gamer, although did not play for good 10 years. Last game was the legendary Fallout 2.
How much is the playstation 4 and Xbox gonna be when they come out, I need to start saving...
Did anyone play Command & Conquer: Red Alert back in the day? I kinda miss driving over to my friend's house for a LAN game, rocking my sexy high end 19" CRT monitor strapped into the passenger seat.

Then drive back again because I forgot to bring the ethernet cable or the 2nd install CD.

Feels like that was before Arpanet.

Um YES. This and age of empires were the shit.