Private Paid SEO Forums


Professional Explorer
Jun 21, 2011
Los Angeles
There is certainly some good info on here (BST can be legit I've dropped some serious coin there) but the bottom line is almost every thread in T&C get some form of trolling, along with the constant dick roll, etc but more importantly, the initial question rarely gets answered and in general the info is lame.

I've had a chance to view some of the private forums that don't really advertise, and it blew me away. I signed up instantly. Expensive but entirely worth it. Everyone on there isn't about fucking around, they help each other out. It's a much tighter knit community where if you ask a question you will most likely get a legit answer.

Example: Theres a thread in T&C about the Spam Gone Wild package. Not bad but nothing new in the thread. On the private forum, three people split the cost of the package and proceeded to rape the fuck out of it. They broke down his method, found and posted a bunch of the links and examples of how he does it, and basically found how to do it themselves for free.

I'm not going to out the forums I'm referring to both because I don't want people to think I'm trying to somehow make money from this post, but also because I don't want 10k WF members signing up there and potentially polluting the environment.

I sorta have a feeling some people on here already belong to them and come here for more entertainment purposes.

Anyone else consider these options/know they existed?

So they have a paid forum, that steals material from this free forum, reverse engineers it to tell you how to do it for less? I'm a little confused.
Example: Theres a thread in T&C about the Spam Gone Wild package. Not bad but nothing new in the thread. On the private forum, three people split the cost of the package and proceeded to rape the fuck out of it. They broke down his method, found and posted a bunch of the links and examples of how he does it, and basically found how to do it themselves for free.

It's sad you need a paid forum to help you do that.
There is certainly some good info on here (BST can be legit I've dropped some serious coin there) but the bottom line is almost every thread in T&C get some form of trolling, along with the constant dick roll, etc but more importantly, the initial question rarely gets answered and in general the info is lame.

I've had a chance to view some of the private forums that don't really advertise, and it blew me away. I signed up instantly. Expensive but entirely worth it. Everyone on there isn't about fucking around, they help each other out. It's a much tighter knit community where if you ask a question you will most likely get a legit answer.

Example: Theres a thread in T&C about the Spam Gone Wild package. Not bad but nothing new in the thread. On the private forum, three people split the cost of the package and proceeded to rape the fuck out of it. They broke down his method, found and posted a bunch of the links and examples of how he does it, and basically found how to do it themselves for free.

I'm not going to out the forums I'm referring to both because I don't want people to think I'm trying to somehow make money from this post, but also because I don't want 10k WF members signing up there and potentially polluting the environment.

I sorta have a feeling some people on here already belong to them and come here for more entertainment purposes.

Anyone else consider these options/know they existed?

I read that thread as well, wasn't very impressive. Pretty much a bunch of 3rd worlders posting backlinks they found and taking guesses on what/how the links are being made. Dunno if anything ever came out of it, haven't been following it. They're a little late to that party anyway.
Meant to write inb4 angry forum vets

My example was to show the work that people put in and then actually share it. How can you trash talk a different forum when you don't even know who I'm referring to.
Example: Theres a thread in T&C about the Spam Gone Wild package. Not bad but nothing new in the thread. On the private forum, three people split the cost of the package and proceeded to rape the fuck out of it. They broke down his method, found and posted a bunch of the links and examples of how he does it, and basically found how to do it themselves for free.
Unlikely. They may have discovered a small part of it, but with the volume of a SGW, and the limit of Google results, I'd bet money they hadn't even worked out half of it.
Unlikely. They may have discovered a small part of it, but with the volume of a SGW, and the limit of Google results, I'd bet money they hadn't even worked out half of it.

-joe- ... do you even have any sites that rank? do you have any sites that are going to be around 3 years from now?

Anways, I agree with you headiez247, paid forums are 10x better for productive info. WF is for shits and giggles now. And network drama threads & buy/sell/trade. People who are making dough don't mind paying for a private forum because it does filter out the bullshit. Lol, half the motherfuckers in here probably don't even do affiliate marketing or anything online. There are/was some huge affiliates around here, but they don't talk and all the action has pretty much been moved to private forums.
Can someone PM a non google hammer link to a few of the better private forums... already doing really well within 1.5yrs of starting this gay shit(7-8k+/mo) but I would like to not just dick around on the forums sometimes.
WF is for shits and giggles now. And network drama threads & buy/sell/trade. People who are making dough don't mind paying for a private forum because it does filter out the bullshit. Lol, half the motherfuckers in here probably don't even do affiliate marketing or anything online. There are/was some huge affiliates around here, but they don't talk and all the action has pretty much been moved to private forums.
Mostly this ^^^^^
I would pay for a private forum if only for the implied filter. There is a lot of good information here but also a tremendous amount of noise. That's not unique to WF, though. It's an inherent problem of any public forum.
I got interested in this from cake's last episode.

You got the world out, yo! Snitch some info now!
I just googled secret seo forums and now I'm about to bank hard. This worked much better than PM'ing guerilla for the uber secret seo methods like everyone told me to do.
Example: Theres a thread in T&C about the Spam Gone Wild package. Not bad but nothing new in the thread. On the private forum, three people split the cost of the package and proceeded to rape the fuck out of it. They broke down his method, found and posted a bunch of the links and examples of how he does it, and basically found how to do it themselves for free.

Read it, wasn't impressed. saying the figured out SGW from what they shared is like me saying I know how to fly to the moon because I've watched shuttle launches on tv.
I would pay for a private forum if only for the implied filter.