PPC with Ezanga


New member
Jan 20, 2010
The Bullpen
Does anyone run campaigns with Ezanga? I run campaigns with most major search engines, but I'm always looking for more traffic and since the WF crew obviously knows more than pretty much everyone I figured I would ask if the traffic is worth it?

ezanga traffic is amazing. like a 20% conversion rate direct linking to acai berriez. traffic is on par with clicksor. BALL OUT NIGGA.
simple answer...

pm me the campaign, kw's, and current CR and I will let you know if its worth it on ezanga
Watch out for those suckers! - That's all I gotta tell you. They broker traffic from clicksor among other 5th tier sucker networks...
Yeah that's true it's weak stuff. Did some grants stuff with them back in the day but the crap traffic made if impossible to maintain profits.
i know like 5 people who have the same story as me with ezanga. they called me up after getting my phone number from god knows where and asked me what offers i ran. they swore up and down that they had people running that exact offer and balling hard. Deposited a couple hundred for a test, got exactly thousands of clicks and not a single conversion. Worst traffic source ever.
i know like 5 people who have the same story as me with ezanga. they called me up after getting my phone number from god knows where and asked me what offers i ran. they swore up and down that they had people running that exact offer and balling hard. Deposited a couple hundred for a test, got exactly thousands of clicks and not a single conversion. Worst traffic source ever.

pretty much my story, except i was smart enough to stop the traffic earlier and got a refund for the rest of the $$$ :)

the dude was also claiming to get keywords from other campaigns that are not running. when i saw his keyword list, i was like wtf.. where did he even pull that shit from?? keywords had no searches even on google.... not to mention some run off gay mini search engines
i know like 5 people who have the same story as me with ezanga. they called me up after getting my phone number from god knows where and asked me what offers i ran. they swore up and down that they had people running that exact offer and balling hard. Deposited a couple hundred for a test, got exactly thousands of clicks and not a single conversion. Worst traffic source ever.

This right fucking here.

Fall for this shit. Stupidity I deposited $2,500 for a trial run and trusted him enough to optimize it. He pitched it so badly to me that he has dudes banking on Biz Opps and would have me on all the good placements. I lost all that in a week with 0 conversions. Yes, 0 fucking conversions. I was so busy with my other crap that I almost forgot that I had this shit running.

I just looked into my account and realized the dude had it also set as $10 CPM.

I got played.
Just gets me thinking that there is a desperate need for more self serve platforms on quality traffic sources. I know theres a ton already but im specifically thinking the POF business model is still the one to beat.