Post your workspace/setup v2.0

macros, each screen is hooked up to a rack server in my server room. Its nice to be able to submit 800 ads in an hour while you do other work or watch a movie or go out to dinner with the gf or wife.
Fuck me! I'm banking nicely with just a fuckin laptop!

Does this mean I can increase my profits by 1500%!!!oneone!?!?one
My Current Setup

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msullens88, do you have like 1 monitor with IRC/IM opened 24/7, then another monitor for browsing etc etc ?
@amanda11 - Ususally yes, but it depends on what I'm working on, When I'm working on landing pages I use all three screens, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Browsers testing on the server - then I'll move all chat to the macbook and its extra screen

but on normal days yea I'll have my email twitter and IM on one window then random websites and stuff on the other two screens.
Fatbat -- I know, I got 3 laptops. Don't get me wrong, I think having 3 screens is cool as shit. But it's not my style since I have a laptop fetish.
macros, each screen is hooked up to a rack server in my server room. Its nice to be able to submit 800 ads in an hour while you do other work or watch a movie or go out to dinner with the gf or wife.

do they all have their own IP address? cause i can do the same thing with 1 monitor and a bunch of VPS boxes
i just put laptop stands in at home and the office so I can do the 2 montior setup with the macbook. Pretty much loving this now
heavyt: What kind of mirco scripts/programs are you currently using. Which ones do you recommend?
No wonder you can't drive for shit. Your fucking retinas are burned and scarred and your brain is ate up with LCD radiation. I'm surprised you can even walk!

When you leave the house I bet you fucking glow. Your neighbors are thinking WTF! "I got a glow n the dark motherfucker living next door n shit is freaking my kids out"
