Post your tattoos

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They call him Danger Man!
Jun 25, 2006
Hey, I've been a little into tattoo art for the last few years but just since about summer last year started considering it for myself and getting really into tattoos... so, if you've got them, or concepts / ones you're thinking of getting, post 'em!

Here are a couple concepts I've worked up for myself:

Nice tat.

A bit OT but I gotta ask (since I have a tat myself): Anyone know of an oil-based cream or lotion that keeps inkwork looking "crisp" throughout the years. I had my tat back in 1992 and it's getting faded on the edges and the details aren't as sharp as before.
Nice tat.

A bit OT but I gotta ask (since I have a tat myself): Anyone know of an oil-based cream or lotion that keeps inkwork looking "crisp" throughout the years. I had my tat back in 1992 and it's getting faded on the edges and the details aren't as sharp as before.

There is a lotion brand called "Udder Cream" that works wonders.
I have a tribal design on my lower back. No pics, though. (At least, I don't think so...)

I like your designs!

I was actually thinking about tatoos and how it relates to females the other day.

I mulled it over for a bit, and decided that a tattoo on a woman was a mark of an easier target. Why? Because any woman who can be talked into getting a tattoo by someone else or themselves are more likely to be able to be talked into to doing other things.

I don't necessarily think it is the same for guys, because guys get tattoos for a larger variety of reasons and in most cases are less sophisticated.

So be honest guys, when you see a girl has a tattoo doesn't you think your chances of getting lucky just went up about 20%?
On the wedding crashers, Vince Vaughn said a tattoo on a girls lower back is better than a bullseye. Hahah

I support tattoos on lower backs.
So be honest guys, when you see a girl has a tattoo doesn't you think your chances of getting lucky just went up about 20%?

Hmmm, interesting. I wouldn't say that's always true. That would assume that someone talked the girl into a tattoo, versus her wanting one.

For me, my sister and I got our tattoos during a particularly good trip to Mexico. I was a sister thing. :)

I'm tatoo free, but if I got one, it would be a vine around my ankle with my kids names on the leaves.
I'll probably wait and go with a grandkid or great grandkid and have a vine for each generation tatooed on!
Remind me never to piss you off, Mike. M'kay? :)


Why does everyone say that? Do I really look that intimidating? Anyhow, you don't have anything to worry about, Laura. I'm always a gentleman to the ladies.

Besides, ask anyone that met me at ASW how scary I am. I'm pretty tame.
Why does everyone say that? Do I really look that intimidating? Anyhow, you don't have anything to worry about, Laura. I'm always a gentleman to the ladies.

Besides, ask anyone that met me at ASW how scary I am. I'm pretty tame.

yeah, Mike is like one of those giant teddy bears you can win at a fair:D
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