Plenty of Fish sells for $575 Million

See boys you can make hundreds of millions with a good idea and a poorly coded PHP site.

Now get back to work.
Founder gets $525m himself, never took investors. #niggawemadeit
really surprised to see so few posts in this thread and only two people congratz POF team on their efforts.

I guess most of the early wickedfire marketers have stopped visiting the forum.

What I remember was the day POF network rolled out, they came on here looking for beta testers and all the affiliate marketers jumped on with their dating and ecig offers

What I remember was the day Markus came to ASW and joined everyone at neverblue party and hanging out with us. Not to mention having YTcracker being our DJ playing lol money money lol (I fucking requested it like three times, lol)

Seriously, congratulation to the entire POF team and their hard work over the years, they really deserve it.
So great to hear about POF's acquisition, hopefully the founder goes on to even bigger and better things with his new pile of money, i wish him all the best.

The great thing is that this isn't the only major acquisition of a company built/owned by a member on here. It's awesome to think of the talent that this site had at one time. Granted, much of it is still here, but not posting as much.

Congrats! That is awesome!

All of my niche sites together aren't worth that kind of money...but someday I'll get there...
Grats Markus, although he hasn't been on since 2011, so dunno if he'll see this.

Grats Ben as well, as one of the best ad people I've had the pleasure to deal with, I've no doubt that you made a significant contribution to getting POF to its current value. And advertising manager for a $0.5B company isn't a bad thing to put on your CV if you ever decide to part ways.