Please Share Your Automation & Business Process Documentation Best Practices...

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can you link to the audio?

no prob - John Assaraf and Murray Smith internet radio show 5/28/2008 | John Assaraf & Murray Smith: The Answer: Grow Any Business & Achieve Financial Freedom

Red Virus if you read this, this is the one I was telling you about yesterday....

the bit about writing down what you do for a week is from the inside success show, I think the guy's name is Randy Guilbert. It may be on premium membership now but you may be able to sign up for a free trial - GL!

Actually, I started giving thought to posting some of my scrapers right after I hit submit and decided I was being a little too stingy ... so much so that I decided to start a thread for it.

How's that for dangling a carrot out there for you?
I wasn't referring to that actually. Moar this. (oops, linked to the wrong thread, will fix later)(assuming I'm guessing how you're doing it right)
Don't get me wrong. I'm not holding it against you. Business is business. And while it does suck when someone decides to release tools to the open public that massively decreases the effectiveness of my own tools, if that's how people think it's best monetized, that's fine with me.

My thoughts were more to undercut those services by offering my own internal stuff for free or dirt cheap. Idea being that it can effectively make that business model pointless for them, and in the future stuff remains safe from public release.
Of course I obviously have(thus far) concluded that that course of action wouldn't be a good investment of my time or money. And for that matter would make enemies of people I don't want to be my enemies.
It's just something I've considered.

Edit: Yes I'm aware this is a pretty hypocritical view for someone who doesn't mind helping people a lot. But I prefer showing people the road rather than the pot of gold at the end ;)
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I fail to see how the release of my tool decreased the effectiveness of your tool. Please do explain.
Honestly, it's more or less me saying something good about your tool.
When there's only maybe 3-5 guys doing something like that, they dominate it. When there's more, there's not as much of an edge as there used to be for the similar software.
More than that, when a truly unique tool is released, it introduces the concept of what it does to the general population. So people get their own coders to make similar ones with improvements, etc.

As previously stated, I hold nothing against anyone that releases stuff. It's on me to compete, not on you to make it easier for me.
Honestly, it's more or less me saying something good about your tool.
When there's only maybe 3-5 guys doing something like that, they dominate it. When there's more, there's not as much of an edge as there used to be for the similar software.
More than that, when a truly unique tool is released, it introduces the concept of what it does to the general population. So people get their own coders to make similar ones with improvements, etc.

As previously stated, I hold nothing against anyone that releases stuff. It's on me to compete, not on you to make it easier for me.

Gotcha, just wanted you to elaborate a little farther.
I fail to see how the release of my tool decreased the effectiveness of your tool. Please do explain.

It's more about the competition. Any tool gives some sort of competitive edge to the public will water down the market for everyone. There's no getting around this.

I wasn't referring to that actually. Moar this. (oops, linked to the wrong thread, will fix later)(assuming I'm guessing how you're doing it right)
Don't get me wrong. I'm not holding it against you. Business is business. And while it does suck when someone decides to release tools to the open public that massively decreases the effectiveness of my own tools, if that's how people think it's best monetized, that's fine with me.

My thoughts were more to undercut those services by offering my own internal stuff for free or dirt cheap. Idea being that it can effectively make that business model pointless for them, and in the future stuff remains safe from public release.

I caught exactly what you were throwing. I'd wager you have a pretty good idea of how it works, minus some of the finer points. I'd actually love to give you a look at my relaunch. Shoot me a PM and I'll give you a freebie. I'm sure it has some additional stuff in there that will step on moar toes.

How to monetize tools is the million dollar question. I personally don't have a problem with releasing the ppc keywords for 2 reasons.

1. I prefer seo to ppc, less ebb and flow ... so I'm not directly watering down my market
2. 2009 is the year of the subscription based product for me. Diversification.

Fear of a watered down market is something that's been addressed to me several times. I've had 2 offers for exclusivity for the product because they thought if they were the only ones using this then they would have a competitive advantage ... they're right.

Now releasing your own tools for free/cheap is a double edged sword. On one hand, you'd gain competition right from the get go. You might block some people from developing other tools you've created, but not all.

I'm sure a TON of people grimaced when t202 was released too.
Shady, if you break that scraper class down into one class per scraper type you might find that your code gets simpler and more reusable. eg. GoogleScraper, YahooScraper, DiggScraper (each with as identical interfaces as possible, starting with scrape() and getLinks() methods).
But it depends how you're using the code. If you're not using it in different projects in different ways, you may get no benefit at all by factoring into smaller classes.

Also, is there a good delay time between hits that works for all sites? 1 second good enough? Sorry this post should probably be a new thread in the programming section.
Shady, if you break that scraper class down into one class per scraper type you might find that your code gets simpler and more reusable. eg. GoogleScraper, YahooScraper, DiggScraper (each with as identical interfaces as possible, starting with scrape() and getLinks() methods).
But it depends how you're using the code. If you're not using it in different projects in different ways, you may get no benefit at all by factoring into smaller classes.
Well, so far I find it reusable. If I don't want to scrape yahoo, I just don't call the $s->scrapeYahoo(); function. I see what you mean though, and it's something I do for more complicated things. It's just that in it's current incarnation it scrapes, and just scrapes. So no need for too many classes. Though now that I think about it I can see some definite use in the future depending on how far I feel like expanding it
Also, is there a good delay time between hits that works for all sites? 1 second good enough? Sorry this post should probably be a new thread in the programming section.
I've done 1 second delays and gotten banned. Much more rare with 2 second searches, but still happens.
It depends so much on the query that it's hard to call it. Like if you're searching for inurl:wp-signup.php or "powered by phpbb", Google will drop the temp ban hammer on you much faster than if you're searching for "funny chuck norris quotes". I suppose to optimize it I could have it set different times based on the keyword, and how advanced the query is.

Protip(that is actually incompatible with what I put above): If you have to do any processing on the pages, process it one page at a time. Like scrape the first 100 results(1 page), then download all the data you want, then go on to the next page. Let the time it spends processing be the delay.
Actually I'm really surprised how few people in the end know how to USE scrapers and these kind of tools properly. I mean if you truly know your shit, you can get DITY and make a buck out of it.
Like if you're searching for inurl:wp-signup.php

Stoopid n00b question here but is this why I see search queries like this in my AwStats results? People looking for a certain page to get a free link off my sites?

Stoopid n00b question #2, where can I learn how all this shit you guys are talking about works? Besides makemonies...
Stoopid n00b question #2, where can I learn how all this shit you guys are talking about works? Besides makemonies...

Depends on whether you can program or not.

If you don't know how to code, this is a good start if you mix it up with a bit of self discipline and actually read it:
[ame=] PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition) (Developer's Library): Luke Welling, Laura Thomson: Books[/ame]
Stoopid n00b question here but is this why I see search queries like this in my AwStats results? People looking for a certain page to get a free link off my sites?
Yeah, it's called a footprint. That particular one means you're running wordpress-mu(and they can gen a blog)
Stoopid n00b question #2, where can I learn how all this shit you guys are talking about works? Besides makemonies...
It's weird. Experience, friends who know their shit, sometimes blogs, messageboards, chats, etc. It's spread out.
Stoopid n00b question here but is this why I see search queries like this in my AwStats results? People looking for a certain page to get a free link off my sites?

Stoopid n00b question #2, where can I learn how all this shit you guys are talking about works? Besides makemonies...

You sure can, but you have to have the dedication to do it. It can take a while to become a proficient programmer. It's not something you learn overnight man.

Doesn't mean you can't do it.
Shady - If it were not for the time it took to process 100 links, how would you actually create a delay? Do you use a JS redirect on a delay to refresh the page with a different paramater (?page=2) or is the delay done inside the PHP? Ive read up about functions like sleep() but they dont infact pause execution, just output.

Also - Im awful at marketing, really, im terrible - but I am a good programmer and it is my 9-5 gig. I guess im being naive but I dont see the direct benefit of getting top results from google for a keyword, or as per your example digg stories, digg commentors. I realize this isnt something you want to be shouting from the roof tops, but can someone clue my dumb ass in? Feel free to PM me - or just call me a needy douchebag.
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