PepperJam Network

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Interestingly enough..

They were SUPPOSED to run a launch campaign with us, and no other forum, but they ended up choosing a different forum over us.. ABW.

Big mistake, just like I warned. Not because ABW is a bad place or anything, but because ABW is a HORRIBLE place for any network aside for ShareASale, LS, or CJ to stage a launch or any type of advertising.

People don't seem to realize that ABW is not the place that any type of ad network to run their offers at. It's mostly made up of whiney self proclaimed know it alls. But to be fair, they do have the best types of affiliates if you're looking for really low volume. I have plenty of industry pals there, and I respect a bunch of the loyal members there too, so they aren't included in this, but for the 99% of the members there, it's all smoke and mirrors.

Whatever, I'm not asshurt about it, because I have a lot of respect for both Kris and Robyn, and people can talk trash about them all they want, but I consider them friends, and I'm very loyal to my friends, so I'll stick up for them if anyone has a problem with them directly.

I like their network in that it is pretty different in the ways that many of their offers aren't the same as all of the networks being run by the DirecTrack dictatorship. They have an offer from SEOMoz, and lots of others that you won't find anywhere else. Should you sign up? Yeah, because you should signup at lots of networks and use the power of leverage to spread your bet instead of solely going and promoting for one or two networks and no one else.

That's why I endorsed them publicly, and if you look at their testimonials page, the only two real industry leaders there are ME and Shawn Collins. Everyone else, even our beloved Andrew Wee are just there as friends to help out.

I call it how I see it, whether people agree or not is up to them.

Looks like Blockbuster already terminated their relationship with Pepperjam (or vice versa), and it's been what, less than 2 weeks? I'm sticking with Azoogle and CJ until PJ has proven itself. I just don't trust any new network that doesn't have anyone vouching for it from a beta period. If I hear some good news in a few weeks, I think that I might give it a try.
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