Paranormal Activity

[ame=]YouTube - Suspiria - Ending[/ame]
WHAT????? are u saying Suspiria is not a good horror movie????

An older review for you (not that reviewers matter in many cases, since most of them are full of shit, but this was right on the money)

On your beloved Suspiria:

"a horror movie that is a horror of a movie, where no one or nothing makes sense: not one plot element, psychological reaction, minor character, piece of dialogue, or ambience." -- New York magazine's then film critic John Simon

If ketchup and tomato soup blood does it for you..


To me, this isnt horror, this is teenage kid crap. But listen, I won't deny Suspiria was an original flick. Having made no sense, and full of weird imagery, it tried to be something different. And IMO was still a failure. But to each his own. This kind of kiddie stuff just doesnt do it for me.
An older review for you (not that reviewers matter in many cases, since most of them are full of shit, but this was right on the money)

On your beloved Suspiria:

"a horror movie that is a horror of a movie, where no one or nothing makes sense: not one plot element, psychological reaction, minor character, piece of dialogue, or ambience." -- New York magazine's then film critic John Simon

If ketchup and tomato soup blood does it for you..


To me, this isnt horror, this is teenage kid crap. But listen, I won't deny Suspiria was an original flick. Having made no sense, and full of weird imagery, it tried to be something different. And IMO was still a failure. But to each his own. This kind of kiddie stuff just doesnt do it for me.

SUSPIRIA is the opposite of a kiddie horror movie.. the blood color was done on purpose.... it not always about what you see but what you feel. Suspiria is considered a classic and rightly so.

it is atmospheric and surreal. Visually beautiful, the color schemes and cinematography are superb, and it was way ahead of it's time.
In regards to Blair Witch Project.

I went to that in the theater with my fiancee (who I did NOT marry but that's another story...) who I lived with. She had two cats.

We get home, go to bed, knock out one quick, and then get ready to sleep. All the lights in the house are off. I'm just getting relaxed when the light at the top of the stair landing goes on.

By itself.

No noise, nothing.

My fiancee is freaking out - and I mean SERIOUSLY - and so I get the job of going to check on whatever the fuck just happened. So I go out and at the bottom of the stairs I see one of her cats stretching up against the wall with his paws on the light switch.

There's no way he could have normally reached it but this ONE TIME he happened to be on the third stair on a stack of books we'd left there and the little fucker had hit the light switch.

I nearly punted the cat into next week. Of course, then I'd get no booty so I just yelled at the cat.

That is the scariest thing that ever happened to me. Can you imagine being in bedroom and you KNOW no one else is in the house and a light comes on just outside your bedroom door - the night you went to a horror flick?
Horror movies scare the crap out of me and I though Paranormal Activity was really weak. At first it's scary because of all the build up. Then you realize it's all build up and doesn't deliver. I got bored half way through.
Movie is complete crap. Hype did its thing! I think that was the sole reason they blew the box office.

Fell asleep halfway, and wasn't even tired! ;)
I downloaded it on Saturday and showed it to my pregnant wife who is absolutely terrified of horror films.

It didn't succeed in making her give birth early, but it did succeed in traumatising her so badly she woke up screaming in the middle of the night, which was kind of creepy.

That'll teach her to be rude about my cooking.