Paranormal Activity

I saw it its a good movie, I dont get scared from movies but this movie gets you thinking alot so if your a person that has problems sleeping at night you will get very scared.

girl i went with says she still cant sleep ok, and all the girls where screaming and shit,

I give it 4 stars

I'm wanting to see this, but it looks like it's not getting a local release unless and independent theater picks it up.
I'm a fan of horror, but it shits me the way something like this, gets lumped into the same category as something like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek, Dracula or The Ring.
I'm aware they're all horror's, but unlike other genres like Action or Romance, these are all pretty distinctly different.

Re Blair Witch Project:
It'd been circulating online for about 2 years in low def before it hit the cinemas, oddly enough, and didn't get a release until it won some shit at Sundance in '99. Then some studio threw half a million at them to remaster it, and market it on this new thing called the DotComs (1999, remember?).
It was actually one of the case studies I did at Uni on viral marketing.

The one thing about it that should have been an instant giveaway: How the fuck does cheap magnetic tape survive out in a forest, exposed to the elements? If it didn't get fucked up by the rain and dirt, it would have gotten fungal growths.
We saw it up on Orlando a few weeks back at a 12:00 showing. I have to say it was pretty good. It's more of a "WTF" reaction, than a scary reaction. It does make you think twice about the little bumps you hear at night in your home.
Do NOT see "A Haunting in Connecticut" - one of the worst movies ever made.

Could not agree with you more. My girlfriend and I walked out of this movie and requested a refund. The people at the theater knew it sucked. We got our refund.
2 guys I know saw it and both said it was REALLY good. I'm always down for suspense realistic movies when it comes to horror. Or great twists like "Fallen"

"A Haunting in Connecticut" was bad, but my worst movie of all time, and the only movie I ever walked out of the theater for was "Battlefield Earth"
Okay I saw it.

I'll give it this much. For what it sets out to accomplish which is to build a state of tension/creepiness and WTF moments it succeeds. I think the only reason it kind of worked on me, is that the people in the movie are a twenty-something couple in a new place which mirrors my situation.

I can't really sit here and say it should have gone one way or another, because basically for a $15k film shot in a week with some unknowns, it's pretty fucking brilliant what they pulled off.

I'd say it beats out BWP and Cloverfield, I didn't really find those creepy/scary/effective much.

I did find REC to be scarier than this as far the hand held stuff goes.

All in all, for it to be the scariest movie ever for you, I think you really have to believe in paranormal stuff and probably have a vagina.

And if you require even a moderate amount of gore, or in your face horror. i think this movie will bore the piss out of you.

btw the theater was packed mostly with teens that apparently believe this is real footage, and like to text and go "oh shittttt naw did that just happen for real" after creepy parts. So if this type of thing flips your shit, stay away from the late night showings.
I just would like to point out that the keyword has a trending topic at twitter for quiet some time now. Also the movie actually came out in 2007 and was on the screens as part of a film festival, so they must have started re-marketing it just recently.
On The Sixth Sense when I found out Bruce Willis was dead, I jizzed in my pants.

best thing I can reccomend about watching this movie.

I thought it was amazingly well done.

Dont watch the trailer.

but most of all...

dont watch it when the theater is packed. go on a slow night.

Too many people screaming/laughing/shouting

ruins the amazing moments
best thing I can reccomend about watching this movie.

I thought it was amazingly well done.

Dont watch the trailer.

but most of all...

dont watch it when the theater is packed. go on a slow night.

Too many people screaming/laughing/shouting

ruins the amazing moments

+1 Seriously theres no better way to watch this movie but alone. I went with a packed theater and I felt way to safe to be scared.

But it was great. As others said it was all suspense driven, no horror. I loved the realism in the fact that they didn't show the 'thing'. No cgi.

Cons- It is like a roller coaster. It's fun, thrilling but it ends kind of pointless. I wish it expanded out a couple more nights.
btw the theater was packed mostly with teens that apparently believe this is real footage, and like to text and go "oh shittttt naw did that just happen for real" after creepy parts.

Seriously, what the fuck?
Loved this flick. Creepy as fuck in my opinion, but that's just me. I get into these kinda flicks. This one especially cuz I'm from San Diego. It was like Blair Witch meets The Exorcist. Damn, I just jizzed in my pants... again.
I knew a cat a few years back that was part owner of a haunted house. It was like a 1/6th split if I recall, and I know they paid for the annual lease and took down a sizable salary (6 figures plus) just from being open that one month.

I can only imagine the bankolla you can gank off of a project like this. Blair witch is far beyond life cycle. You could even go far more occult (i.e. evil dead 2) and be financially set for life and beyond. Where are the new gremlins/critters/etc 2.0 flicks at?

Step 1: Steal Underpants
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!
I knew a cat a few years back that was part owner of a haunted house. It was like a 1/6th split if I recall, and I know they paid for the annual lease and took down a sizable salary (6 figures plus) just from being open that one month.

I can only imagine the bankolla you can gank off of a project like this. Blair witch is far beyond life cycle. You could even go far more occult (i.e. evil dead 2) and be financially set for life and beyond. Where are the new gremlins/critters/etc 2.0 flicks at?

Step 1: Steal Underpants
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

This movie is estimated to have 20 mil in revenue, with 15k spent. Paranormal Activity (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blair Witch Project had a similar profit margin.
Do NOT see "A Haunting in Connecticut" - one of the worst movies ever made.

I enjoyed Cloverfield a lot, unfortunately I was the only one who liked it. Everybody else I know laughed at me for enjoying it. I just thought it was ingenius to show a special effects movie through the eyes of a video camera.

I loved Blair Witch, and I went into the movie right when the buzz began, and the "word' was that it was real video tape footage. It wasnt until about 2/3rd into the movie I began to realize I was being conned. But for the first 2/3, when I thought it was real, I was never more terrified by a movie in my life.

watch Suspiria by Dario Argento...
now, that's horror