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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Typically, I do everything I possibly can myself. It's worked well in the past, but I've been so pressed for time lately that I can't grow much more while still doing all the content writing, design, marketing, and coding myself.

The things I'm considering outsourcing would be the content writing and possibly the design. I'd get the copywriting done elsewhere just 'cause it's more efficient in just about everyway to do so if you can find a trusted writing company. I do enjoy designing layouts, but I'm not incredibly great at it. It doesn't take me a whole lot of time to design a layout, but I still think I might get better results elsewhere.

I'm sure many of you have been in the same situation. I'm wondering which elements you outsourced first, and how it has worked out for you.

I haven't gotten to the point where I can outsource yet, but content will be the first thing to be outsourced, followed by some link building I think. I won't outsource the design or coding (I cant say Im spectacular at design, but I enjoy it) because those are the parts I enjoy most.
When I do client work, I outsource most of my print design work (logo's, business cards, letter heads etc). I've also outsourced a website layout in the past too. I always do the coding though.

It really does depend on what project I'm working on. For example I would do 80% of all my web design work. But if there was a job or project which needed something special, I would outsource it to a graphic design and then code it myself.

I think in the future if I can start to build a team of good and reliable contractors, I would start to outsource more and more.
Building a team of people you trust is important, and something I am slowly working on
When I originally I built my site, I outsourced the design and backend.

If you need text content: outsource your daily ORIGINAL BLOG CONTENT WRITING tasks to us. Email me for a sample. info at webmasterlabor D O T com
Just do what you do best, if you're good at it. ;)
Try to do as much of the thing you can do most efficiently and pay someone else to do things they're best at. That's the most economical way to handle things.
I pay for designs, and if I get more into affiliate marketing I'll probably start paying for content.

I've always read that you should put a dollar value on your time, and if you can get someone else to do something cheaper than what it would "cost" you in time then it's a good idea to pay to get it done.
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