Online Dating

I tried it for a week a few years back when I just got out of a long-term relationship, and let me tell you the Fire Men are all over it. Every douchebag fire man has a handle like "Fireman Bill" or "Fire Hero" and are posing with their fire man gear so the chicks will see it.

I should sign-up again and dress up in some gear and name myself "Fire Hoser" and then later on the date she'll say, "So you're a fire man, what's that like?", and I'll say, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

anyone do it? What are your response rates like?

POF is like shooting fish in a barrell, key is a good profile pic.

How long have you been doing it? Productive?

I came on the scene in the Late 90's using AOL Member Directory to find local girls within 5 miles, great times.

Then, Myspace came out and that was the greatest site of all time to hook up, imo.

Good Luck!
Okcupid is like Netflix for pussy.

Especially in New York City. I don't consider myself a PUA or anything like that, but living there and using that website to score dates is like fishing with dynamite.

Interesting thing is, everyone's on there. If you're single, that's probably where you are. Even girls who go out, be social, meet guys in the conventional way - almost always have an OKcupid profile up and running.

It has completely desensitized me to dating, which is both problematic and a blessing. You end up dating multiple girls at once, having sex with all of them, struggling to keep each person's name and life organized in your mind. You have to constantly be considering where they are, especially if you are out in the same neighborhood - it's a dangerous game, to be certain. Mutual friends are dangerous. Facebook will help you find any problems like that.

Setting up and going out on dates constantly is actually incredible practice. I think that okcupid and other dating sites have significantly improved my chances of getting somewhere with women that I meet in person, over the years. It's an improvement of social skills and interactions with complete strangers. You want to attain that cold, fearless confidence that both genders fear and respect.

Anyway, there's no reason not to. It only improves your chances of finding someone really decent that you respect and want to be with (if you're seeking a monogamous relationship). I personally am teetering on the edge between polyamory and monogamy, so I don't know where this will take me.
This is a really, really good post on the topic: Results From An Online Dating Experiment « Chateau Heartiste

Cliffs: 10 profiles were made, 5 men/5 women of different levels of looks, the best-looking men got basically as many messages as the worst-looking women

A lot of ugly girls. My friend keeps raving how he banged 4 girls from an online dating site within a month. I have seen the girls before, they are not up to my standards. And I have to say I don't have that high of a standard when it comes to casual sex.
:( All I get are men claiming to be women eventually asking me for money to help with their unfortunate lives.

It'd probably be easier if I lived in a more urban area and was handsome.
:( All I get are men claiming to be women eventually asking me for money to help with their unfortunate lives.

It'd probably be easier if I lived in a more urban area and was handsome.

Someone should set up a BST offer for online dating copywriting to help foreveralone gay webmasters such as yourself convert better. :D
If you're not 6'+, haven't chosen "Athletic" or "Normal" in the weight section, and haven't written an AWESOME sales copy that emphasizes on the "survival" aspect that women are hardwired to look for (good job, healthy, physically active, positive outlook on life, well educated, etc...) then FUCK online dating, you have waaaaay better chances to get laid in a bar/club, where alcohol is your best friend... when chicks drink their inhibitions fall like clothes off a stripper. Their so-called feminine 6th sense gets drowned in those fruity cocktails and it's much easier for you to close the deal.
A lot of ugly girls. My friend keeps raving how he banged 4 girls from an online dating site within a month. I have seen the girls before, they are not up to my standards. And I have to say I don't have that high of a standard when it comes to casual sex.

I have a buddy who is the same way. I feel like if I'm just going to fuck some girl and that's it, it doesn't make sense to be overly super picky, but I'm not going to scrape the bottom of the fucking barrel either.