Online Dating

Met my girlfriend on Amazingly she's not fat, ugly or has 14 children. It's all about your "sales copy" on online dating sites. Get some good pictures of yourself from flattering angles and write out some copy.

I tried lots of shit from emailing the newbs that pop up, to answering those stupid questions to get a better match but what it came down to was my sales copy. I tweaked it over a few months and by the time I was done I was getting 3-5 women a week asking me out.

98% of people on online dating sites are there for the sex. No matter what their profile says the women there are looking for dick plain and simple. Must have had 50 hookups until I met my girlfriend. Most of them I didn't even try....

Haha I remember this one girl, we're sitting at a patio diner just chatting away and I'm like mid-way through my sentence (and my food!) and she interrupts me and says "So do you want me to suck your dick or what?"

"Check please!"

Turns out we didn't make it past the parking lot before she was choking on my balls. That girl had some serious daddy issues...

James Altucher met his wife Claudia through a dating site.

There are obviously better sites than others.

Is it bad if you can't get laid on POF? FML!!!

Actually it's probably going to be a lot harder for you to get laid on POF than it is in real life if your ability to approach, engage and close isn't up to snuff.

How many women that you don't know do you talk to in the "real world" on a daily basis? If that number is below 5-10, get it there first so you can analyze what is working and what isn't working before you bother with online dating.

Seriously - there's no point in you going out on a bunch of dates if you're not too great with women. Work on the foundation first. Then build the house.
Haha I remember this one girl, we're sitting at a patio diner just chatting away and I'm like mid-way through my sentence (and my food!) and she interrupts me and says "So do you want me to suck your dick or what?"

"Check please!"

Turns out we didn't make it past the parking lot before she was choking on my balls. That girl had some serious daddy issues...

Christ! These are the stories that us married men must live vicariously through. =(

argh! Why wasn't this shit around earlier....
Christ! These are the stories that us married men must live vicariously through. =(

argh! Why wasn't this shit around earlier....

Look on the bright side, Hav3n - at least we don't have to worry about creams, antibiotics, and child support. :D

I do love the stories, though... This is why I sleep with jeffrey. It gets me turned on hearing about all the men he bangs at the gym.
Chicks online are way easier to bed than offline. Atleast the women online are actively looking for a piece of dick. Think of it like PPC vs RON.

Try OKCupid. I found the women there are younger, prettier and more sexually liberated than the other dating sites.

POF = Fat cows or AIDS patients. = Old fat cows or Bible thumpers.

Eharmony = Extreme bible thumpers

My online dating tips:

- Get them to email you first. You're the catch, not them.

- Even halfway decent girls on dating sites get 100's of emails a month like "Whaddup baby! You sooo finne gurl!" and "damn yo ass be kickin." Don't end up in their email list to be trashed.

- Split test your ad copy and photos just like your AM career

- Women are more open to dates at the new year, valentines day, during the summer and major holidays (no one wants to be alone on Christmas!)

- Act like a grown man, 99% of the guys on dating sites act like 15 year olds.

- Check your spelling and grammar.
What a load of bollox. I've used online dating sites and i'm not a) ugly, b) socially retarded, or c) desperate.

I tried online dating because I work stupid hours, I live in a rural area, and I'm a single parent. I met loads of people: some nice and some not so nice. Trouble is, most sites these days are full of men/women looking for a no-strings hook up. The genuine ones are few and far between and you need an excellent bullshit-o-meter to sift through the players and psychos.

Didn't say there couldn't be exceptions.Of course they're not all crazy. Other circumstances might bring them to the site, but for the most part what I said is true.

women...especially young women without children that look good, do not have to try very hard to meet men. Seeing a beautiful young woman w/o a baby on a dating site is an immediate red flag 9 out of 10 times.

Some of them though, I'd bet, just like getting the ego boost of having 10 million thirsty, lonely men breathing down their inbox
I would imagine if Op's looking for a girlfriend a paid dating website would have higher quality women/more interested women.

Please explain why a paid dating site would be worse. Legit no sarcasm here, I would like to know.

Why You Should Never Pay For Online Dating « OkTrends

I would link to the actual okcupid blog but they took down the post when they were bought out by (a paid dating site).
Chicks online are way easier to bed than offline. Atleast the women online are actively looking for a piece of dick.
Wow, I wish I'd met a guy like you when I tried online dating. Oh wait... I did.:rolleyes:

Some of them though, I'd bet, just like getting the ego boost of having 10 million thirsty, lonely men breathing down their inbox
It would be an ego boost but for the fact at least 99% of these poor, lonely men usually turn out to have some kind of personality disorder!
Wow, I wish I'd met a guy like you when I tried online dating. Oh wait... I did.:rolleyes:

It would be an ego boost but for the fact at least 99% of these poor, lonely men usually turn out to have some kind of personality disorder!

if 99% of men you meet have a personality disorder then you need to ask this question - "Is it me?"

these poor, lonely men

Yep, it sure looks like it might be...
I've never done the online dating thing. Well, okay that's a lie. I have once or twice and the girls didn't look anything like their pics.

I do however have several friends who met their wives using online dating sites. And these girls aren't headcases either. The girls they met were actually respectable, attractive women.

One friend got married 2 years ago, the other one getting married this summer. So yes, online dating does work. I would recommend using a classy site like eharmony though.