Official WF Left Handers aka Southpaws Thread

I'm a lefty all the way.

I have a slight problem distinguishing right vs. left quickly if I don't think about which hand is the hand I write with first (a self diagnosed form of mild dyslexia). I've always wondered if it was from my grandparents encouraging me to use my right hand instead as a kid.
Interesting factoid - some studies have found that many leftie kids that are forced to be right handed early on develop stuttering problems.

Happened to me in Catholic school, the nuns forced me to use my right hand, and I started stuttering so badly I needed to see a speech therapist. I had no idea the two were connected until right now. I still use my left hand, but my stutter is barely noticeable now, only really comes out if I'm excited or very tired.
My son is 8 years old he always favored his left hand. But the school made us choose what he should be and basically forced us to make him right handed. Even though we might be screwing him up, I found he is actually better at a lot of things because of it. Depending on the task he can easily switch it up. Did any of you lefties have any trouble in school because of this? Did they try to force you to be right handed?

My school did this to me. Was left, forced to use right hand. Result - my writing is still totally fucking terrible, I can't hold a pen properly, and I had motor control problems that started soon afterwards ( ie was very, very clumsy, poor hand-eye coordination etc.), which I only sorted out in adulthood through weight training.

Don't tolerate this bullshit from your school. The teacher is simply being lazy rather than adapting to your child, and there's a chance the your kid could pay the price for their laziness.
I agree with all the above. The school thing kinda started at kindergarten basically the way it came down to was deciding what hand to write with. We couldn't be sure because depending on the task he would change it up. He has been ambidextrous his whole life. So what do you do? Make him go lefty and possibly be wrong, making him try to fit in to a right handed world? Or teach him to wright with his right hand and then encourage to do things whatever felt most comfortable. Looking back I think it was the correct decision. He seems to favor his right hand but still likes to do some things with the left. He is actually proud of the fact that hes ambidextrous so I think he has the best of both worlds.
Lefty here. That's interesting about kids being forced to use their right hand developing a stutter. I'm not going to let them force my son (who is left-handed) to use his right hand. Frankly it's surprising that they would still do that now.
WTF? All of you are fucking lefties?

It actually makes sense for WF to have a bunch of Lefties. The typical left handed person is usually of higher intelligence probably because their brains access the brain functions in more efficient ways
Natural born lefty, catholic school made me write with my right hand though.

I still do everything else except throw with my left hand. I'd say that I write better with my right hand, but the truth is I write like shit with both hands and have to run around the house to find a pen just to sign a fax.

Mouse: left hand
batting: both
throwing: right hand
writing: both, albeit my right is a little more legible
fap: left (I'll admit it)
toilet: whatever is closest
catching: both
tennis: both
boxing: southpaw
Lefty. Was ambidextrous as a child. Loved to draw and colour and when one hand got tired I would just switch to the other.

My school also forced me to choose at a young age because when I was writing early in the first and second grades I would also just switch hands when one got tired and my hand writing wasn't good with either. That being said I went with left and no one tried to force me to go right as far as I recall.

Nowadays I do shit with both hands, I throw with my left hand, mouse with my right, I can shoot a pistol and rifle with both hands but am definitely a better shot with a rifle left handed. I play hockey left handed and golf right handed. I jerk off with my right hand generally, though you know, switch it up for variety sometimes ;)

Any of you lefties ever get given an erasable pen in school only to find out that you were erasing your work as you were writing it?
Don't ask me, but I'm a righty who does everything with his right hand, except fap. Weird I know. It's sort of a blessing in disguise because I can easily navigate with my other hand.