Official Invisible Ignored Users Greasemonkey Script

All the trolling and shit posting can now be used as a smoke screen to keep away (and keep occupied) the masses.

Thanks to dchuk, the Peweps and Holodomors now serve US.

nice work!

Just did it, I'll update the userscripts site with it in a sec once I find a place to plugin my laptop. The code is below, the basic gist is that every 5 minutes, it will scrape your ignore list and store the usernames of everyone you ignored, then will parse forum index pages and hide any threads started by those users. It only parses the ignore list every 5 minutes to cut down on the ajax requests it makes.

// ==UserScript==

Also, you will probably see a brief flicker of the user's threads every once in a while while it's making it's request. There's basically nothing I can do about that, sorry.

Woah woah.. should be way easier than that, dchuk.

Ignored threads have an empty title attribute (ie. the hover summary). Should be trivial to filter based on this.
Woah woah.. should be way easier than that, dchuk.

Ignored threads have an empty title attribute (ie. the hover summary). Should be trivial to filter based on this.

Interesting, didn't know that (like I said previously, I haven't really ever put someone on ignore). I'm not inclined to change the code right now because it works fine, but might take a stab at it when I'm bored sometime soon.

Cmon.. I'm sure its crossed your mind by now.. You know, like the amazingly awesome Chrome extension that Wes Mahler is hocking..
Interesting, didn't know that (like I said previously, I haven't really ever put someone on ignore). I'm not inclined to change the code right now because it works fine, but might take a stab at it when I'm bored sometime soon.

This means it'll never happen btw ;)
I can use this to block teenage boys who clearly have a porn addiction problem and post it randomly in threads? (seriously, you guys are a little sad)

I'm in!
Can this be adapted to remove the double <blockquote> from cc arters posts?
Not sure how i missed this thread but wow. And to think I thought all gun grabbers just wanted to take, take, take. :'-) JK Dchuck. Thanks for giving back to the community.

I dont know why you would want to ignore some of the greatest threads on WF. But to each is there own.
Modified Version h/t dchuk

// ==UserScript==
// @name Improve Wickedfire
// @namespace IWF
// @description Makes users on your ignore list completely invisible in threads, remove tags from threads
// @include*
// @version 1.1
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

$("div.smallfont:contains('This message is hidden because')").parents('.page').each(function(){ $(this).parent().hide()});
$("img#tag_form_progress").parents('#tag_list_cell').each(function(){ $(this).parent().hide()})