The best part about this amazing innovation is that it would not exist were it not for Pewep.
Pewep wins again lulz.
Pewep wins again lulz.
dchuk I don't think there is something to identify a thread started by an ignored user.
I don't know shit all about greasemonkey, but could you add a ignore list to your script? Then you could remove them based on username.
Not sure but I think this:
Do it Darrin. You are approaching legendary status.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Invisible Ignore List
// @namespace IIL
// @description Makes users on your ignore list completely invisible in threads.
// @include*
// @version 1
// @require
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
//removes all ignored user's posts from a thread
$("div.smallfont:contains('This message is hidden because')").parents('.page').each(function(){ $(this).parent().hide()});
//removes all threads started by an ignored user from forum index pages
var ignore_list_url = "";
var ignored_users = [];
var last_ignored = GM_getValue('last_ignored');
var current_time = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
if(last_ignored < current_time - 300 || !last_ignored){
$.get(ignore_list_url, function(page) {
$(page).find("ul#ignorelist li a").each(function(){
GM_setValue('last_ignored', current_time);
GM_setValue('ignore_list', ignored_users.join());
ignored_users = GM_getValue('ignore_list').split(',');
function strip_threads(user_list){
var threads = $("[id*='td_threadtitle'] .smallfont span");
if($.inArray($(this).text(), user_list) > -1)
Random idea:
Hide posts of people with red bricks who have less than x posts.
Can this work on Safari? If so, how?
The free market at work, we don't need government intervention.
I will never have to read another {SHITPOSTER} or {SHITPOSTER} or {SHITPOSTER} post again.
Play with my dogs. An amazingly awesome use of time IMO.Guerilla, do you realize that this will cut your WF viewing time by nearly 70%! Whatever will you do with all of that excess time?