Offering Quality Yahoo Answering Service

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It appears that this guy/gal offers a very limited service. They can only service projects where there already only open questions out there in the yahoo forum.....One would think that, a marketer advertising such a service here, ..... would also work on the question generation side of the equation....just a thought...

It appears that this guy/gal offers a very limited service. They can only service projects where there already only open questions out there in the yahoo forum.....One would think that, a marketer advertising such a service here, ..... would also work on the question generation side of the equation....just a thought...
It would make since to provide the service when it can be done. If there are no available open questions, how can I provide the service? You didn't ask about me generating the questions for you which I do in certain circumstances so you can't assume that I do not do that part of the service if you don't ask. Since you posted this I will go ahead and add more details about my service so people can understand before wanting to order the service.

  • I personally provide the service. I do not have a team so I can't do a bunch of orders at one time if they are pretty big as I don't won't to compromise turnaround time so the service may not always be open to orders.
  • I always do a search to see how many available "open" questions there are relevant to your site before taking payment to ensure that #1 there are enough questions to meet your order and #2 so that turnaround time isn't going to be too long.
  • I can generate the questions and answers upon request if the order isn't too large as I do have other things I work on besides this and also because there are other orders that I have to take care of.
  • I do not provide the service for some categories and sites because it is either against their terms to link to certain sites or because it is in a niche where the answers get reported all the time (business/finance/insurance/etc)
  • Lastly, there are always other providers of this same service if their is something you don't like, not to be rude or anything.
Oh and I am a female.
Hi, I would like to try 10 answers at $5 can you pm your payment details and the info you need from me
Would like to order 40 answers but can they be slit up with about 5 domains? Pm and let me know and send your payment details if your taking new orders.
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