Obama's civilian national security force

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We make things GREEN
Feb 16, 2009
bostic nc
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

What the hell does that mean? the U.S. Army alone has nearly 500,000 troops. That doesn’t count reserves or National Guard. In 2007, the U.S. Defense budget was $439 billion. Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that?

Does anyone know exactly what this would entail?

"Anyone know if this is all bs?"
Because obviously, the biggest, most expensive, deadliest armed force in the history of the entire world just needs a civilian counterpart just as big and mean. Sure.

Where did you get that quote?
Give it up! Liberals are too intelligent to believe in conspiracies..... That is unless they involve "W" bringing down the twin towers, pushing a new world order or bombing the levys to kill black people in New Orleans.
The civilian nation security force would force everyone to serve a couple of years basically in a civil military, you'd go through basic and the whole shizam. They know the current military can not handle war abroad and civil insurrection.

The initial twist was that they had initially promised many thousands of (soon to be) worthless dollars for your time spent. Also initially it was spun off as a purely voluntary effort, later changed to mandatory.

Go us. Fuck you Obama sheep.
I can't believe you morons are supporting forced military service. Have you ever heard of concepts like liberty or freedom?

If you love the idea of the military so much, join it yourselves. Don't go putting a gun to others' heads, forcing them to join it.

Some people have issues with being forced to contribute to a machine that kills far more innocents than "enemies."
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