O.K. - wiredtree is down AGAIN.

wow fuck, glad all my shit is running. I also have a VPS there so maybe its just one data center or something.

Also nice prices at ServInt - Managed VPS Hosting - Managed Dedicated Servers - Enterprise Web Hosting anyone else know about them?

Dude, my VPS has flatlined atleast 5 times since having it. Just from crashes alone from "too much traffic". Wiredtree themselves & my server along with them have gone down another 3 or 4 times. I have the "best" package.. #3 or whatever for a VPS. And yes, I know I'm a fucking idiot for sticking with them, but the one thing im retarded about is servers and all the shit that comes with them.. but really, again? :boid: wiredtree.
yeah, probably going to be bailing from there ASAP. Got a BIG e-commerce site on there. cant be having this shit, especially with my campaigns - rollin 24/7

I need to get a program that will ping my phone when my servers go down. Instead of remembering to check them each hour with a domain check.

any solutions, guys?

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I have a VPS with Wiredtree, just thought I'd drop in and say that yep, I'm down too. Still.
It sucks that this has been happening. But I love their support, they respond very quick no matter what day or time. Anyone suggest any other hosting (VPS) that has similar support?
I also have a VPS with wiredtree. There was an email about network downtime today. Not sure if that applies to you guys but it mentioned downtime for about 4 hours and my VPS was only down for about 15 minutes. Pretty smooth if you ask me. Moral of the story: check your email.
This was announced by them last weekend.

Network Maintenance (Thursday, January 27, 2011 between 11:59PM and 04:59PM CDT(05:59 - 10:59 GMT))
Summary of Maintenance:

The purpose of this maintenance is to update internal routing policy and re-balance traffic across the WiredTree network. Best practice and procedures will be employed throughout the maintenance.

Customer Impact:

There should be no noticeable customer impact during this maintenance window. However, we wanted everyone to be aware of the activity. There will be a number of network engineers on-site to ensure the process goes smoothly. Although the work will be relatively quick, we've scheduled an extended window in order to monitor the health of the network and equipment.

If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance notification, please open a ticket with WiredTree support in Grove or contact us by phone at (Toll-Free: 866-523-8733, Local: +1 312-447-0510).

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
I noticed about an hour of downtime.

Edit: I read now that they were experiencing a DDOS attack. Strange and annoying :s
Maybe someone could explain to me why a ddos attack to their site "wiredtree" and their nameserver would bring down everyones vps and dedi's?

Beyond what I know - but you'd think it would just be single server or two right?
What's keeping you guys from going to a much larger and more reputable host? What made you choose Wiredtree?
What's keeping you guys from going to a much larger and more reputable host? What made you choose Wiredtree?
I used wiredtree until about 2 years ago. They were very proactive with their maintenance and had responsive and competent support. I was there a couple of years and neverhad issues with them - technical or otherwise.

I left because i didn't need a vps anymore. Times change.

BTW, likewise with servint - they were equally responsive for support when I was with them, but there were a couple unplanned outages when they were doing some network upgrades and a big one (down for hours) when they were upgrading their UPS (ironically enough).

Shit happens to everyone, one time or another.
i still think wiredtrees customer service is awesome -- sounds like all the recommendations here also aren't any better. are there any hosting companies that just dont suck period?