NYC Writer Offering PERFECT English Content for $1.50/100 AND Spinning!

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Pls PM me your IM details. Have some long term work.

Sending pm

Also How much time it will take to Write and Spin 400 Words of Article?

Right now turnaround is about 2-3 days

Will the spun articles will be accepted by Article Directories?

Of course i can't guarantee this as I don't own and run the directories. But I spin to usually 50-60% which is more than enough to pass copyscape.

You'll provide spyntax format for this right?

Not sure what you're asking....yes I offer spinning
Got my order delivered. If you need well researched articles + highly readable spins go to this guy!
**Here ye Here ye***

I'm not taking orders for the next week as I'm moving to a new apartment and need to focus on the move. Thanks for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience. I will start taking on orders again after I'm finished moving
Just posting to say that for now and possibly for good I am closing this service. I'm still getting PMs about it so just wanted to state it on the thread for the record.

I appreciate the business from you fine peeps. If I decide to open it again in the future I will note as so on this thread. Thanx guys & girls.
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