NYC Writer Offering PERFECT English Content for $1.50/100 AND Spinning!

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New member
Dec 14, 2007
Rating - 97.9%
47   1   0
Alright guys and girls...

So I've been around WF for a few years now...though I took some time off last year when I took a day job working for an SEO company, which gave me some valuable experience. Now I'm back in the grind and offering my unique content and spinning services to you fine peeps. 

I'm American and English is my first language, which means you will get perfect spelling and grammar every time. Obviously this means more time you'll have for your projects instead of fixing sloppy writing jobs.

I'm a musician as well and grew up writing a lot of poetry, so if you need anything written in a poetic manner I can do that as well.

I'll keep this short and to the point with no hyped up salesy BS….

Content Writing 

  • $1.50/100 words

  • 100% spelling error free

  • 100% grammatically correct 

  • Perfect English

  • No topic restrictions

  • Can be written in various tones of voice

  • Copyscape passed


  • $3/100 words spun at word level

  • Spun to 50-60% uniqueness
 & read well
  • Includes original spin + 100 spun versions!

 (let me know if you need a file prefix)

Turnaround Time 

Generally within 24-48 hours. I will always be up front with you about jobs that may take longer. I pride myself on being a straight up guy and won't give you the run around.

Review Copies

I'm giving away (3) 400 word articles + spinning (includes 100 spun versions!) to 3 members with 100 posts or more. The first 2 orders after that will get 50% off their order.

Payments are accepted through Paypal 

Step up your content quality and buy American! This dude is ready to write and spin!

Hey guys, all 3 reviews were claimed late last night.

Nickrac, sampunk and cowsgonemad got the reviews. harshvfx and Max (via PM) get the 50% off, PMing you guys now.

Dnchamp, if one of the 50% offs aren't claimed I'll hit you up. Thanks guys
Just got my package and everything looks GREAT!

The base article was spun into 100 additional articles making it easy to post all over the web quickly.

The English is top notch aside from a few awkward sentences, mostly due to the spin. But overall I'm sure most readers wouldn't hesitate at most of them. Definately way above the average product. Also helpful is that the base article spin was included so I can use bits and pieces on it for SB

Included in the package was a keyword density report which was pretty cool. All the keywords I wanted appeared and the article and none of them appeared too much. Article was 465 words, 65 over what was promised - probably due to the review copy - but at least he's working hard!

Overall I give a 9 out of 10. I'm PMing OP right now with an actual order for another article.
Just got my review package.

i asked him to rewrite an article. He did much more than just change a few words. All the important info is still here but it read like an unique article. Also, his article is much more interesting than the original one. I am putting his stuff on my money site

I haven't deal with spun article before. Seem like it is a great bonus. Time to learn more about it.

I am going to order some more from him soon
All reviews are finished and just waiting on delivery for the 3rd one. Thanks for the reviews guys...much appreciated.

Delivered a few paid jobs already and ready for more. Get your orders in now while the prices are this low. These rates may not last forever!
Just a quick review, as requested.

I placed an order for 10 short 100 word articles at 4:10 AM on the 19th. Tensegrity delivered the 10 articles via email at 10:58 PM the same day.

The word count ended up averaging 112 words per article and, as promised, I couldn't find any spelling or grammatical errors after a read.

Currently working on getting a second, much larger order in.

I should also mention the articles also read really well, which is unfortunately more than I can say about others I've ordered from.
My review:

The OP was kind enough to give me a free article + 100 spin offs as a review. I could not find anything to complain about and that's not because I got the article for free. The topic I gave him was a rather difficult one and I was surprised at how well he managed it. As the OP stated in his sales pitch, the grammar was flawless and the article had a nice flow to it. The 100 spins are great for using as quality content for web 2.0 pages, blog posts and the likes. I would highly recommend going with this seller. I myself would be buying some spun articles from him in the coming days.
Ordered a 700 - 1200 word article to give Mike some creative freedom. When doing so with other providers they typically stretch their already weak content to its limits just to make a few extra bucks. Mike delivered 1146 words and it wasn't just a bunch of retarded sounding fluff. It's solid content.

Just placed another order for 10k-ish words.

Get your orders in now while the prices are this low. These rates may not last forever!
Do me a favor and hit me up before you jack up your price so I can make one last order at the currently insane rates.
Just out of curiosity, could you please explain why Spinning costs twice as much as original content writing? I'd like to order some articles, but I am not sure which one to get.
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