NWO Human Microchipping - here's the proof

of course NWO exists and its raising due to peopel who say 'lol thats funny/impossible'. its happening fro myears.
the attack of usa on iran/libya was palnned LONG ago, and its not even about oil but about making firewall to russia and china


Anybody that doesn't want to live forever has got something wrong with them in my opinion.

You should change that to, "Anybody who doesn't want to live forever as a young form of themselfs has got something wrong with them in my opinion."

Who wants to keep getting older and older? What the fuck is so great about being physically 70?
Chips and money control in the first min

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nD7dbkkBIA"] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nD7dbkkBIA[/ame]

the vid deserves its own thread but in terms of this thread it's spot on