NWO Human Microchipping - here's the proof

I would say that 90% of the people I have ever talked to about being able to live for 100+ years etc. and still be young or healthy have all said that they would rather just die like they are supposed to at 70-90 years old.

Anybody that doesn't want to live forever has got something wrong with them in my opinion.
Anybody that doesn't want to live forever has got something wrong with them in my opinion.

I agree.

The scary thing is its not like they are all deeply religious or anything like that. I can understand not wanting to be immortal, but you'd have to be insane to not want to be young and healthy for 100+ years.
Based on what I saw in that video it's no different then the chips they've been putting in dogs for years. It's scanned and gives the device a number, then it looks it up in a stored database somewhere else. At least that's how it works for the dogs.

Ya, this video being several years old, that'd be correct. Newer RFID implementations have larger capacities, and basic bio data such as allergies, existing conditions, pacemaker info, etc are small.

There was even a club years back that used them on patrons.

I'd get an RFID implant. I already have a passport, drivers license, social security card, etc etc
Hook me up. Live until 120 years old. At 120 years old, humans learn how to prevent aging. Live until 150, humans learn how to reverse aging. Reverse-age back to 30 years old and stay there indefinitely.


Our generation (people who will be alive and healthy 30 years from now) will probably be the very first to be able to do this. Can't wait :)

Anybody that doesn't want to live forever has got something wrong with them in my opinion.
I agree completely.

Also at OP: You're kind of screwed with this. If you think that's bad, imagine what'll happen when your using artificial red blood cells, or computers in your body that are keeping track of everything you eat, or a machine modification to your eye that could theoretically keep track of everything you see. My guess is that privacy will be the biggest political issue 30-40 years from now.
lol @ all those who believe these RFID chips will be for good sake
this shit opens the way to ultimate control over your body and mind remotely
People still believe in the New World Order.


What? When politicians are mentioning the NWO time and time again? More recently just a few days ago

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNNIDyZVAgg]YouTube - ‪QT: US/UK Special relationship and New World Order (26May11)‬‏[/ame]
Also at OP: You're kind of screwed with this. If you think that's bad, imagine what'll happen when your using artificial red blood cells, or computers in your body that are keeping track of everything you eat, or a machine modification to your eye that could theoretically keep track of everything you see. My guess is that privacy will be the biggest political issue 30-40 years from now.

Well whatever I could have control of i.e. allowing them to implant the chip, I will refuse.

Its not only a privacy issue, once these chips are implanted to be used like a credit card and they discard physical cash altogether, they can screw us whenever they want.
Hook me up. Live until 120 years old. At 120 years old, humans learn how to prevent aging. Live until 150, humans learn how to reverse aging. Reverse-age back to 30 years old and stay there indefinitely.


Aging research is horribly underfunded. If we want radical life extension, we’ll need to fight for it with grassroots involvement and a big wad of cash.
@ those who eat the official goatshit

imagine your rulers as google
with these chips in action - do anything that's not in line with their agenda - you are banned .... banned for life
"....and please do not contact us again"
you fucking won't hide, create another "LLC" and create another "account" with them
lol @ all those who believe these RFID chips will be for good sake
this shit opens the way to ultimate control over your body and mind remotely

That's what I was kinda thing. I think most Western governments have proven quite well that the individual citizen isn't very high on their priority list. If they can implant everyone, then you can bet there'll be great benefits like self-serve checkouts at Walmart will disappear. Instead, you just walk out the door with whatever you want, and your bank account is automatically charged. How convenient, everyone will think!

That's when the politicians will start creating really stupid laws, abusing the technology. Got an unpaid parking ticket, or not up-to-date on mortgage payments, or police want to question you for whatever reason? Fuck you, can't buy food, gas, or anything until you get it resolved. That's exactly what will eventually happen.
of course NWO exists and its raising due to peopel who say 'lol thats funny/impossible'. its happening fro myears.
the attack of usa on iran/libya was palnned LONG ago, and its not even about oil but about making firewall to russia and china
That chip has been around for a loooooong time, I hope this isnt the first time you heard of it seoreborn.
Our generation (people who will be alive and healthy 30 years from now) will probably be the very first to be able to do this. Can't wait :)

Maybe. I was just high when I made that post.

As someone said, aging research is underfunded. As the years go by furthering transplants (much more practical right now) and things like cancer research (possibly more important than aging), research on aging might be a slower process.

They say we can have that technology in the next 30-50 years, if researched properly. I'm sure people in 1950 were saying "Oh man, just live out the next 50 years and we'll all be in flying cars!"
Maybe. I was just high when I made that post.

As someone said, aging research is underfunded. As the years go by furthering transplants (much more practical right now) and things like cancer research (possibly more important than aging), research on aging might be a slower process.

They say we can have that technology in the next 30-50 years, if researched properly. I'm sure people in 1950 were saying "Oh man, just live out the next 50 years and we'll all be in flying cars!"

Billionaires = access to life extension technology
You = approved for denial

Ask David Rockefeller how slowly life extension R&D is going.
Billionaires = access to life extension technology
You = approved for denial

Ask David Rockefeller how slowly life extension R&D is going.

I'll only be optimistic when Walt Disney comes back and makes Disney World 2.0.
this is nothing new, this technology has been around for a while now and there was actually a report on ABC about a family that did this immediately after sept 11 trying to push this shit. Good news is most people don't want an RFID in their driver's license, let alone under their skin...

Not saying it couldn't become mandatory, but I think it's something my kids and grandchildren will have to fight more than I will.