NWO Human Microchipping - here's the proof


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Some call it the mark of the beast. Its another step for the NWO to completely control us.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDhDrFrs7as"]YouTube - ‪HERE IS THE RFID MICROCHIP TV ADVERT 100% PROOF IT IS HERE‬‏[/ame]

I'd rather be killed than get micro chipped. The advert looks like something from a horror movie

Eventually this becomes mandatory. Your financial everything is run through it. You don't accept the chip, or become a criminal or revolt in some fashion, and they turn your chip off. You can no longer buy or sell. *Mark of the Beast*

Wouldn't a finger print work just as good in this case? I mean all that's probably doing is storing a number, similar to the dog chips, then they use that number in the database to look up the persons information...

How could this be better, or even cheaper than a finger print scanner?
Wouldn't a finger print work just as good in this case? I mean all that's probably doing is storing a number, similar to the dog chips, then they use that number in the database to look up the persons information...

How could this be better, or even cheaper than a finger print scanner?

Because a fingerprint would require recalling data from a database. Databases may not be available, can be corrupted, etc. With a chip, the data is stored internally and is then available even when a central system is down or not responding - which is super helpful to mobile units.
I'm curious if people are going to start inventing ways to hack the chips of people they don't like....What if you suddenly got arrested for something you did according to your chip?
WTF, if they planted the chip in our body.
Are we will become their slave?? Where is our privacy?
Fuck NWO. Fight for your freedom peeps.
and to NWO, if you see my post. Here my message. FUCK YOU.
Because a fingerprint would require recalling data from a database. Databases may not be available, can be corrupted, etc. With a chip, the data is stored internally and is then available even when a central system is down or not responding - which is super helpful to mobile units.

Based on what I saw in that video it's no different then the chips they've been putting in dogs for years. It's scanned and gives the device a number, then it looks it up in a stored database somewhere else. At least that's how it works for the dogs.
While such a chip could certainly have dangerous implications (entirely depending on implementation), your title is just a tad misleading.
Hook me up. Live until 120 years old. At 120 years old, humans learn how to prevent aging. Live until 150, humans learn how to reverse aging. Reverse-age back to 30 years old and stay there indefinitely.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdqyTmfDwk0"]YouTube - ‪Megadeth - Endgame‬‏[/ame]

I woke up in a black FEMA box
Darkness was all around me, in my coffin
My dreams are all nightmares anymore
And this is what I dream every night

The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States
Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A
Without the RFID chip, you're just an illegal alien
An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order

This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line
This is the end of your life; this is the...

Fuck I love Megadeth, they're always on the ball.
Hook me up. Live until 120 years old. At 120 years old, humans learn how to prevent aging. Live until 150, humans learn how to reverse aging. Reverse-age back to 30 years old and stay there indefinitely.


I would say that 90% of the people I have ever talked to about being able to live for 100+ years etc. and still be young or healthy have all said that they would rather just die like they are supposed to at 70-90 years old.

Maybe I'm crazy but I would love to have the ability to reverse-age back to 30 years old once I'm old as fuck and be able to raise hell for even just another 15-30 years.