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Do you have bulk prices?
How many sites do you have access to yourself?
Is there a risk of overlap and footprints?
Or do you have access to all of those 500,000 sites?
Day 8

Well it has been just over a week now since ordering. Does this service work? YES!

Keyword 1 not found to #7
Keyword 2 not found to #10
Keyword 3 not found to #14
Keyword 4 #61 to #14
Keyword 5 not found to #60

That #5 keyword I did not expect much from as it does not even appear in the title. These are all competitive terms in the finance area with tough competition and "local" search volumes from 1,000 to 13,000

The main high volume keyword of the site was not targeted at all with this package and has gone from not found to #15 -- under optimizing works! or Target and Die!

This would make a great case study but no time for that, this service works and I give a 5 out of 5. If anything else major happens I will report. This is a very powerful service... use with caution and a clear understanding of its power or you will send your site to the frozen wastelands where only funny little black and white critters can survive.
Well it has been just over a week now since ordering. Does this service work? YES!

Keyword 1 not found to #7
Keyword 2 not found to #10
Keyword 3 not found to #14
Keyword 4 #61 to #14
Keyword 5 not found to #60

That #5 keyword I did not expect much from as it does not even appear in the title. These are all competitive terms in the finance area with tough competition and "local" search volumes from 1,000 to 13,000

The main high volume keyword of the site was not targeted at all with this package and has gone from not found to #15 -- under optimizing works! or Target and Die!

This would make a great case study but no time for that, this service works and I give a 5 out of 5. If anything else major happens I will report. This is a very powerful service... use with caution and a clear understanding of its power or you will send your site to the frozen wastelands where only funny little black and white critters can survive.

Thanks for the awesome review Kelowna. If others knew what keywords you were targeting, I don't think they would believe it. :banana_sml:
Do you have bulk prices?
How many sites do you have access to yourself?
Is there a risk of overlap and footprints?
Or do you have access to all of those 500,000 sites?

Bulk Prices:

5 Plus Packages of any subscription: 10% Off
10 Plus Packages of any subscription: 20% Off
20 Plus Packages of any subscription: 25% Off
50 Plus Packages of any subscription: 30% Off
100 Plus Packages of any subscription: 35% Off

I have access to the degree that there is an opening in placements. If the website owner has limited the out bound links to 10, then only 10 links are allowed. Once those 10 links are placed on the website, it becomes unavailable. There are filters to block overlapping. Overlapping may occur in the sense that if you are ranking two different pages then they may share backlinks from the same page of the external site. No footprints as the sites are all on different cms, ip's and registered to different owners.
What is the status on the 17 spots with 50% off? Also, the link to your wufoo form is not working for me.

Spots still available – link fixed.

I'm ambivalent about it – I guess it comes with the territory as I cannot tell the future or know what Google is going to do. My attitude is make hay while the sun is shining. If you want to minimise the damage, play it safe as possible but even then you are at the mercy of Google. You're playing in their backyard and they change the rules whenever they want. The best approach is to approach your business from a branding perspective and think of how you can drive traffic to your site without Google. My service with these links is on the riskier side of backlink building and is used to aggressively rank and bank. Having said that, I think Matt has known about this network for a while now. Sape is getting a lot of attention and I think his intention is to scare people away from this network, but never say never. Google is a billion dollar company so it would be foolish to think that they could not do something about this network, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon. At the soonest maybe 6-8 months, that's just a guess though. I know Yandex have known about Sape for a while now and they have not been able to do anything about it – correct me if I'm wrong – and I think Yandex is ahead in machine learning, again - correct me if I'm wrong.

Your form is broken.

Thanks – fixed.
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