Note Taking - What Do You Use?

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New member
Sep 27, 2006
I love taking notes. I hate having a million pieces of paper on my desk... which often get lost and/or dirty.

What programs do you use for taking notes?

I always keep a physical notepad in front of me to jot down random thoughts and sketches... but I also keep a notes.txt file that I keep urls, un/pws, and other random more important thoughts.
kyleirwin said:
I always keep a physical notepad in front of me to jot down random thoughts and sketches... but I also keep a notes.txt file that I keep urls, un/pws, and other random more important thoughts.
Ditto, as well as post it notes around my monitor
Sorry, that was just my attempt at joining in on the WF style of posting. But I'm nice, so I'd like to apologize :)

You're welcome, and your blog is kinda cool too. But how did you get that reputation with 23 posts!?

I use pspad for notes, it's like an enhanced notepad.
Sticky Notes on google homepage. Great for taking notes on the laptop and viewing again on the desktop w/out having to do ANYTHING. I also have a yellow notepad in front of me, I love writing on yellow more than white... go figure? Also I use .txt files to write quick notes or more indepth stuff I need to get done. 3x5 yellow sticky notes (the real ones) are also all over the place.
I have a mind like a steal trap, I remember everything, now were did I put my car keys? seriously though, writing stuff down is great, better than the ajax widget stuff online.
I used to write notes on paper, then realized it was a horrible idea, because it made them much less useful as I could not search through them or even read them half the time.

I have thousands of notepad txt files now, some of them several megs with notes, ideas and to-do. Not the most organized, but I can ultimately find anything that a made a note about fairly easy, so from that standpoint is useful. And nothing gets lost.
I still use a notebook and pen. Just this year I got in the habit of retyping everything in word and putting it in a folder, usually about once a week - just to keep everything nice and tidy :) .

I would just cut out the middle man and go right to the computer, but it's hard to pull out a laptop during meetings - and a lot of people find it distracting.
If I'm away from the computer I use some paper and a pen then I type it in a word document later. If I'm at the computer I just use word.
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