Note Taking - What Do You Use?

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Physical notepad, actually a notebook to take with me.
PDA, Outlook is what the notes end up in.

Right now I am using "Treedbnotes" registered version. Previously I used "Keynote" which is the grand daddy of notetaking software. Both let you organize using folder trees which works pretty well.

Below are the best I have found after testing quite a few.

Keynote (Free, but unspupported)
If you are currently using notepad, I highly recommend you take a look at Keynote. It will get you hooked really quickly.

TreeDB Notes Pro ($29, flashier Keynote wannabe)
I use this now over keynote, simply because it allows for nice rich text editing which let's me put stuff in tables, etc. Also has a better search feature than keynote.

Evernote (Free)
People rave about this but it takes getting used to. It is really free-form and sort of auto-categorizes stuff. The web clipping feature is awesome and works perfectly to archive sites so you can save design ideas (e.g. cool adsense integrations ;-) ) I think if I can force myself to leave behind using trees, this actually might be the best of the bunch.

I used this for the 30 day trial. Has a slew of options including really powerful export features. It is also lightning fast. It might be overkill depending on how anal you are. But it has the most options of any of this type of program
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