NJACT: Not Just Another Cancer Thread

My grandfather passed away today from stomach cancer.

He was 84 years old, and was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer with liver metastases. He had no symptoms besides general fatigue, it was found after a blood test showed a low iron level and they eventually figured out he was bleeding from the stomach cancer. Insidious fucking thing.

He had six cycles of chemotherapy (oxaliplatin), but we decided to make him fast for 48 hours before each infusion. There's some recent studies showing it reduces the side effects significantly and actually increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Typically you're told to eat as much as you can because you're probably not gonna feel like eating for the next couple of weeks.

He actually had very few side effects from the chemo, probably due to fasting. He didn't lose his hair, he didn't vomit, he didn't get nausea or mouth ulcers or anything like that. He did develop some nerve damage in his extremities that gave him pins and needles all the time. The sixth cycle really knocked him down though after his electrolytes severely went out of balance. After he recovered from all the chemo, we were told the cancer was about 90% gone which was an amazing result considering how advanced it was.

Unfortunately it only took about a year and a half for it to come back with a vengeance, and he finally passed away last night. He lasted about 2 years which is pretty darn good, with no actual problems with his stomach until the very last few days. He could still eat and be normal for the most part.

So sorry about your grandfather.

Your grandfather must have been really fit to experience very little side effects from the chemo. I am sure the fasting must have helped too.

You're all talking about special diets, fasting is a contender.
Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Cycles Retard Growth of Tumors - YouTube

Again from the same large review http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/pdf/1743-7075-8-75.pdf

“CHO restriction mimics the metabolic state of calorie restriction or – in the case of KDs (ketogenic diets) – fasting. The beneficial effects of calorie restriction and fasting on cancer risk and progression are well established. CHO restriction thus opens the possibility to target the same underlying mechanisms without the side-effects of hunger and weight loss.”
In a nutshell, low carb ketogenic diet gets the same benefits as fasting. While you can only fast for a short period of time, a low carb ketogenic diet can be used indefinately.
Not been updating the thread for the past month because my Dad has been on and off his supplements. He is nescient to alternative treatments (and orthodox ones), and so his paranoia has got the better of him. As from last Thursday, he stopped his supplements, and yesterday have stopped the low carb ketogenic diet. So he is back to eating biscuits, bread and whatever he likes.

Today, he will go to see the oncologist from transferred hospital. Last week they took another CT scan. So between the 2 CT scans seperated by around 2 months, they hope to determine how aggressive the cancer is. In reality, I don't see this as a good measure for the future as he was on a ketogenic diet plus intermittent supplements for that time.

Another thing is that since his lung drainage 2 months ago, he has not required any drainage since. So whether its to do with the diet and supplements, maybe.

The oncologist last week also said they will do a lower dosage of chemotherapy for him compared to the plan of the previous oncologist, so as to 'lessen' the side effects.

As always, I will leave it to my Dad as to what he wants to do.
your daddy goes to a clinic and they blast him with a ct. because they dont have an mri. or a pet. or because hes not important enough for them to waste 10k on. how about you visit a real fuckin doctor before you go on "alternative"..

Are you dense?

An MRI scan costs something like $200-400 everywhere but in the extremely corrupt US health care system.
its not corrupt. hospitals bill what they can bill. free market dream.

Stupid ass Americans accept everything people with a shirt tell them.

Could literally fly to Singapore on business class tickets for that scan and back again for the price of an American MRI.
Good luck OP. 83 is a decent age, though of course you want him to live to be at least 100, at least regardless of what happens, he will have had a long life.

I think there is a good amount of research out there for 'alternative' approaches, meaning mostly diets and also some supplements. There is also a lot of utter bs. You seem to be able to discern the good from the bad. Starving cancer through eliminating glucose and fasting seems to me, to make a lot of sense.

I don't want to give advice for or against, but it seems to me that invasive surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy is tough going for anyone, but particularly for older people with lessened immune systems.

I wish you and your dad the best and remember to enjoy the time together in any case.
Here is the protocol my Dad is on:

1. Low carb high fat diet
2. Vitamin D
3. Ubiquinol
4. IP6 + inositol
5. Vitamin C
6. Chlorella vulgaris
7. Zinc
8. Beta Glucan
9. Serrapeptase
10. B17
11. B15 + mixture of minerals (magnesium, potassium etc)

Already started 1-9. 1-8 started one and half weeks ago. 10 started on Friday. 11 will come in next week.

How are your dad's liver enzymes? Ubiquinol is excellent due to dad's age, but I would also take the redox (ubiquinone) in coconut oil. Melt 14 oz of coconut oil on the stove under low-heat and put it back in the bottle. Add 56oz of CoQ10 powder. 500mg/tsp, twice daily. It's freely converted (cell), even if he has liver-involvement.

IP6 is phenomenal.
OP, Warburg is a dead-end. You cannot eliminate glucose -> glycogen. It's manufactured endogenously even under strict keto diets. Two large studies have shown that tumor progression was unch between the high-carb and keto diets. A lot more has been discovered since Warburg's days. There is differentiation within a mass in which some cells exhibit Warburg and some do not. Like the blood alkalinity argument. You cannot alkalize blood, only piss. Just as an analogy to the Warburg supporters.

Some interesting info here: Blood Sugar is Stable
@poopie, will reply to you later about the coq10 and blood sugar stuff

CT SCAN result: No growth in tumor

I did not go to the oncologist with Dad today, it is what my sister just relayed to me.

The first oncologist said 2 months ago that his cancer is on the aggressive side and hence his life expectancy toward 6 months (which now should be 4 months as 2 months have passed). So the tumor having not grown is an unexpected result.

However as I said before, this will no longer be a good predictor of future growth since he has stopped his supplements and diet altogether.
Awesome news.

FWIW, there is no harm in going keto and high fat. I would do that if it were me, as it can't hurt. How about adding MCT oil when/if he goes back on the supps. Make sure dad is getting enough fiber. Costco's resveratrol is of the 50% (high emodin) variety and will keep things moving. Oh, you're in the UK? Anyway, any high-emodin resveratrol will work.

My background is in this field. I did doctoral research in oncology (P-gp inhibition with CCA using Dox in refractory MBC).
How are your dad's liver enzymes? Ubiquinol is excellent due to dad's age, but I would also take the redox (ubiquinone) in coconut oil. Melt 14 oz of coconut oil on the stove under low-heat and put it back in the bottle. Add 56oz of CoQ10 powder. 500mg/tsp, twice daily. It's freely converted (cell), even if he has liver-involvement.

IP6 is phenomenal.

My Dad was on high dose Ubiquinol, 400mg. From my understanding ubiquinol is much more bioavailable than ubiquinone and thus would provide much higher COQ10 blood levels. Moreover, ubiquinone needs to be converted into the reduced form ubiquinol for is beneficial effects. Through senescence, we lose our capability for this conversion, hence its particularly useful for my dad in this form.

Has Your CoQ10 Become Obsolete? - Life Extension

Does the ubiquinone go through some changes when heated with coconut oil?

Since in the earlier posts, it has been claimed that my supplements is nothing more than a multivitamin, I said I would list each one and explain why I am including it, so I'll start with Ubiquinol.

Why Ubiquinol

Benefits of Ubiquinol on cancer: Coenzyme Q10 (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

While coenzyme Q10 may show indirect anticancer activity through its effect(s) on the immune system, there is evidence to suggest that analogs of this compound can suppress cancer growth directly. Analogs of coenzyme Q10 have been shown to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in vitro and the growth of cancer cells transplanted into rats and mice.
In patients with cancer, coenzyme Q10 has been shown to protect the heart from anthracycline -induced cardiotoxicity (anthracyclines are a family of chemotherapy drugs, including doxorubicin, that have the potential to damage the heart)[3,16-18] and to stimulate the immune system.[19,20]
In view of these findings, it has been proposed that analogs of coenzyme Q10 may function as antimetabolites to disrupt normal biochemical reactions that are required for cell growth and/or survival and, thus, that they may be useful as chemotherapeutic agents.
Ubiquinol Cancer Related Studies

There are plenty of studies including humans and animals, but I will just list some human studies otherwise the list would be too long.

Study 1:

Over 35 years, data and knowledge have internationally evolved from biochemical, biomedical and clinical research on vitamin Q10 (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10) and cancer, which led in 1993 to overt complete regression of the tumors in two cases of breast cancer. Continuing this research, three additional breast cancer patients also underwent a conventional protocol of therapy which included a daily oral dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10 (Bio-Quinone of Pharma Nord) during the complete trials over 3-5 years. The numerous metastases in the liver of a 44-year-old patient "disappeared," and no signs of metastases were found elsewhere. A 49-year-old patient, on a dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10, revealed no signs of tumor in the pleural cavity after six months, and her condition was excellent. A 75-year-old patient with carcinoma in one breast, after lumpectomy and 390 mg of CoQ10, showed no cancer in the tumor bed or metastases. Control blood levels of CoQ10 of 0.83-0.97 and of 0.62 micrograms/ml increased to 3.34-3.64 and to 3.77 micrograms/ml, respectively, on therapy with CoQ10 for patients A-MRH and EEL.

Progress on therapy of breast cancer with vitamin Q10 and the regre... - PubMed - NCBI

Study 2:

In a clinical protocol, 32 patients having "high-risk" breast cancer were treated with antioxidants, fatty acids, and 90 mg. of CoQ10. Six of the 32 patients showed partial tumor regression. In one of these 6 cases, the dosage of CoQ10 was increased to 390 mg. In one month, the tumor was no longer palpable and in another month, mammography confirmed the absence of tumor. Encouraged, another case having a verified breast tumor, after non-radical surgery and with verified residual tumor in the tumor bed was then treated with 300 mg. CoQ10. After 3 months, the patient was in excellent clinical condition and there was no residual tumor tissue. The bioenergetic activity of CoQ10, expressed as hematological or immunological activity, may be the dominant but not the sole molecular mechanism causing the regression of breast cancer.

Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in rel... - PubMed - NCBI

Study 3:

Tumour angiogenesis is a complex mechanism consisting of multi step events including secretion or activation of angiogenic factors by tumour cells, activation of proteolytic enzymes, proliferation, migration and differentiation of endothelial cells. Both primary and metastatic tumours in the breast are dependent on angiogenesis. In the present study, 84 breast cancer patients were randomized to receive a daily supplement of CoQ(10) 100 mg, riboflavin 10 mg and niacin 50 mg (CoRN), one dosage per day along with tamoxifen (TAM) 10 mg twice a day. Serum pro-angiogenic levels were elevated in untreated breast cancer patients (Group II) and their levels were found to be reduced in breast cancer patients undergoing TAM therapy for more than 1 year (Group III). When these group III breast cancer patients were supplemented with CoRN for 45 days (Group IV) and 90 days (Group V) along with TAM, a further significant reduction in proangiogenic marker levels were observed. Supplementing CoRN to breast cancer patients has found to decrease the levels of proangiogenic factors and increase the levels of antiangiogenic factors. A reduction in proangiogenic marker levels attributes to reduction in tumour burden and may suggest good prognosis and efficacy of the treatment, and might even offer protection from cancer metastases and recurrence.

Anti-angiogenic potential of CoenzymeQ10, riboflavin and niacin in ... - PubMed - NCBI

Study 4:

CoQ10 levels were significantly lower in patients than in control subjects (t test: P < .0001) and in patients who developed metastases than in the metastasis-free subgroup (t test: P < .0001). Logistic regression analysis indicated that plasma CoQ10 levels were a significant predictor of metastasis (P = .0013). The odds ratio for metastatic disease in patients with CoQ10 levels that were less than 0.6 mg / L (the low-end value of the range measured in a normal population) was 7.9, and the metastasis-free interval was almost double in patients with CoQ10 levels 0.6 mg/L or higher (Kaplan-Meier analysis: P < .001).



Over ca. 25 years, assays in animal models established the hematopoietic activities of coenzyme Q's in rhesus monkeys, rabbits, poultry, and children having kwashiorkor. Surprisingly, a virus was found to cause a deficiency of CoQ9. Patients with AIDS showed a-"striking"-clinical response to therapy with CoQ10. The macrophage potentiating activity of CoQ10 was recorded by the carbon clearance method. CoQ10 significantly increased the levels of IgG in patients. Eight new case histories of cancer patients plus two reported cases support the statement that therapy of cancer patients with CoQ10, which has no significant side effect, has allowed survival on an exploratory basis for periods of 5-15 years. These results now justify systematic protocols.


So that is why I chose Ubiquinol and a dosage of 400mg. In addition, ubiquinol is good for protecting the liver from the apoptosis/necrosis of cancer cells.
ubiquinol is great stuff, no doubt. Now, The studies are contrasting the plasma conc. of a ubiquinol suspension (gel cap containing soy oil) vs. ubiquinone capsules containing powder (no carrier). 'ol is more quickly absorbed during the passive transport phase (diffusion) due to it's being more hydrophilic. It will achieve a significant plasma conc. faster, for sure.

'ol is the reduced form. Many supps are converted through first-pass in the liver. Ubiquinone is freely converted in the cell to a eq. state in complex three of ETC/mitochondrial redox. Kaneka is largely responsible for funding research into 'ol use as a retail supplement. A conflict of interest, but I don't doubt the results.

'ol is very unstable and it degrades rapidly. Yes, it's more bioavailable, but IMO the cost benefit isn't there.

I owned a board in which we had another doc who was involved in the debate. He did 1g/day of ubiquinol daily for a week and then drew blood for analysis six hours after the last dose. He waited a month-off and then took 1g of the ubiquinone bound to coconut oil. Samples taken six hours after the last oral dose of ubiquinone. An HPLC test was performed on both samples.

The plasma concentration was virtually identical. They ran each test twice. Understand that ubiquinone bound to coconut oil is ideal. I wouldn't cook it, but no damage will be done. Melt the oil slowly on low heat -> back in jar -> add powder. Now Foods sells a 28g bottle of pure powder.
It is. Did you do research into it during your doctorate? I'm in contact with the lead IP6 cancer researcher Dr Shamsuddin.

No, just that I believe that IP6 is basically a vaccine for breast cancer. My info is limited to use in women.
There is no reason that your dad can't take both ('one and 'ol). I am 40 and take 1200mg of CoQ10 daily. No health problems.
ubiquinol is great stuff, no doubt. Now, The studies are contrasting the plasma conc. of a ubiquinol suspension (gel cap containing soy oil) vs. ubiquinone capsules containing powder (no carrier). 'ol is more quickly absorbed during the passive transport phase (diffusion) due to it's being more hydrophilic. It will achieve a significant plasma conc. faster, for sure.

'ol is the reduced form. Many supps are converted through first-pass in the liver. Ubiquinone is freely converted in the cell to a eq. state in complex three of ETC/mitochondrial redox. Kaneka is largely responsible for funding research into 'ol use as a retail supplement. A conflict of interest, but I don't doubt the results.

'ol is very unstable and it degrades rapidly. Yes, it's more bioavailable, but IMO the cost benefit isn't there.

I owned a board in which we had another doc who was involved in the debate. He did 1g/day of ubiquinol daily for a week and then drew blood for analysis six hours after the last dose. He waited a month-off and then took 1g of the ubiquinone bound to coconut oil. Samples taken six hours after the last oral dose of ubiquinone. An HPLC test was performed on both samples.

The plasma concentration was virtually identical. They ran each test twice. Understand that ubiquinone bound to coconut oil is ideal. I wouldn't cook it, but no damage will be done. Melt the oil slowly on low heat -> back in jar -> add powder. Now Foods sells a 28g bottle of pure powder.

My mother in law had heart palpatations and other symptoms of heart failure. I gave her 300mg of ubiquinol (Kaneka, same as what my Dad was taking), and her heart palpitations went away and other symptoms went away immediately. Other people have said they used Ubiquinoine >1g for heart palpitations and there were no effect, untill they switched to 200-300mg ubiquinol. This is in line with the hypothesis that its the ubiquinol that provides the beneficial effect, and that ubiquinoine needs to be converted first. And for these effects, the ubiquinol would have to been stable enough to produce it.

Another reason I chose ubiquinol is that the human studies used ubiquinol for its positive anti-cancer results.

The results of that self experimentation is interesting. Would be good to test on subjects at different ages.

I'll check out the cost of the powder and see how it stacks up.