Niche North - The Best Niche-Specific Blog Networks Period

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Hit me up on Skype when you've got your Tech network up. Might be interested in Health in the coming months.

Yes sir, I will do that. I've got a Health - 2 in the mix as well, if you don't make it around for Health - 1. So no worries.

Just ordered... id 58B72041KH411693C

Let me know that you have my info correct.


Gotcha, and I emailed you as well.

ordered 07J29803WM543311T

Otinsdale, please check your email and PM. I think you forgot to submit your details on the form.

Can you add me to the list for when your new niches launch?

Yes sir, thanks for the PM, it's done.

Hook me up when you've got new niches. I'm specifically looking for SEO, Marketing, Business, Finance.

Thanks for the return PM, I added you to the list.

Got a pack + on waiting list for finance

Looking forward to this : )

Heck yeah, got the order and put you on the list. Thanks!

Paid for a Fitness package, can you confirm and also update me on the finance network as well? Thanks

Yes sir, I got your order. Thank you for the repeat business. It's a testament that this flat out works.

As far as the finance network, I can confirm that I will have two new networks debuting probably within two weeks tops. They will be Finance and Jewelry.

Let me repeat that...

Finance Network and Jewelry Network Debuting Soon!
Please send me a PM when you have the finance niche up, or let me know how I can subscribe to your alerts.
Niche North... are these all Canadian based sites, title implies it but no other mention?
Do you take financial sites? We have a couple Canadian sites that could use this.
Please send me a PM when you have the finance niche up, or let me know how I can subscribe to your alerts.


Are these any good for penguin hit sites?

I will say no. My experience has been that any site that has been flagged by penguin is pretty much screwed. I've fixed many with the anchor text imbalance and nothing has popped back in the rankings, although they haven't re-ran the filter as far as I can tell. What I have done is start some of the penguinized sites over on brand new domains and tried some of these links and THAT definitely works. It's not taking much to rank sites right now. Just some powerful links in terms of juice and trust. These have that.

do you have travel niche ?

I don't have that yet, but possibly in the future. We talked PM and I added you to the list for alerts.

Niche North... are these all Canadian based sites, title implies it but no other mention?
Do you take financial sites? We have a couple Canadian sites that could use this.

Kelowna, these are not Canadian based, although some of the servers very well could be in Canada. The TLD's are all Com, Net, and Org. The name "Niche North" was meant to imply that your rankings would shoot upwards, like the arrow on the image depicts.

As far as finance, within 2 weeks I'll have a finance niche up and rocking. If you would like to be notified, feel free to PM me your email address and I'll add you to the list to be alerted. Otherwise, just keep checking back. Going live with finance very soon.

Anyone who would like to be alerted when I launch new niches can simply PM me their email address, and I'll add you to the list!

For the three folks who contacted me about bulk purchases, only one has come through at the moment. Get in while the getting is good! The longer you wait, the further behind in the queue you get!

I'll have a few more notifications of completion going out today. Keep a look out.

Thanks again to everyone who has ordered Niche North. I really do appreciate it.
Happy with my first purchase, so bought another one for a different site.

Awesome! Are you seeing solid SERP movement so far? Because it hasn't been that long. It'll probably get better. I'm glad it's worked out for you.

A few completion notifications are going out in about an hour. Look for it!
Don't let the low PR fool you. These links have strong link value. I'm looking forward to more niches being introduced and more of the same niches too. Let me know when more sites become available.
Don't let the low PR fool you. These links have strong link value. I'm looking forward to more niches being introduced and more of the same niches too. Let me know when more sites become available.

Thank you sir. There are many factors that go into a truly solid website, and Page Rank is only one measure, and is easily manipulated. If you think PR is the only factor to look at, you are likely inefficiently spending your monies.

To the several new orders that haven't been posted in the thread, no worries, I saw them, emailed you, and have them in the queue.

Another completion notification went out today, and four more tomorrow.
Good morning everyone. I just got back from the gym and ready to fire off some more orders. I suspect five completion notifications will go out today. Be on the look out for that.

Again, within a couple of weeks a Finance network and a Jewelry network will launch. If you want to be on the list to be notified when new networks launch, just PM me your email and I'll add you.

Thanks again for the incoming orders! Looking forward to sharing these links with worthy sites, but remember, they are limited, so hop on board if you can.
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