Niche North - The Best Niche-Specific Blog Networks Period

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
137   0   0


For Network Posts:
Click Here for the Order Form

For Permanent Homepage Links:
Email me using the address above, or PM me

Please Remember that there are NO REPORTS GIVEN for this service.
Availability will be updated constantly.


I hate looking for guest posting opportunities. I do most of my own work on my projects, from programming to promotions. But asking for guest posts is just one of those tasks I don't care to do myself.

I was lucky enough to get a review copy of this, and I immediately paid for a second one. The article was written in a chatty, natural looking style - like a "real dude" posted to a blog. Plus, it delivered a high quality link back.

It was exactly right for my project, and I will order again soon.
I wish the word "Private" would be omitted, and instead use Guest Posting. If this is Guest Posting I'm signing up.
Bitsdawg and Eliquid, thanks for the kind words, support, and great reviews!

I wish the word "Private" would be omitted, and instead use Guest Posting. If this is Guest Posting I'm signing up.

Knockout, you can absolutely consider this as guest posting. It is a blog network / guest posting hybrid service. It's not just some informational post you are receiving. It is by "real people" on "real blogs" talking about things that interest them that they encounter in life and on the web. As Bitsdawg and Robb S. said, it's absolutely guest posting!

bought one, sounds interesting

I just woke up and see the order! I'll begin processing it immediately. Thanks.
I can vouch for this service, generally is one of the only services in BST I would use.

I used a site I do hardly any "black hat" linking with. Used it on his fitness network. Only used raw url as my anchor. Within a week I had a ton of longtail rankings shout up, literally giving me an increase of 3k+ UV/per day from "Search Traffic".

The content he wrote, was top notch quality, something you'd probably pay for on your own site.

I will definitely be using this service again once he has another fitness network up.

Thanks for allowing me to take up a review!
Thanks, Clarkey. I appreciate the support. I'm glad you got the same amazing results that everyone else should expect. This kind of authority juice should pass a lot of trust, which results in lots of long-tails.

To the fellow who emailed me: I have responded.
To the fellow who ordered without URL info: whenever you are ready, I'm ready.
Rish3: Check your email :) Watch your site! The work is complete!
Been replying to PM's like crazy. Guys, don't sweat it. I'm serious. Look at the reviews on the sales image.

Some of the absolute most respected members of Wickedfire are telling you that:
1. They HAVE seen the sites.
2. The sites are legit, white hat, and powerful!
3. They cause massive ranking movement, especially in the long-tail area. You'll get long-tail traffic you didn't know existed thanks to the trust transfer.

Eliquid, SecretAgentDad, Bofu2u... these guys won't steer you wrong. They saw my sites, I saw their sites, and we did business. You can get a piece of the pie if you act now. I haven't launched elsewhere yet. This is Wickedfire exclusive now. Once each network sells out, that's it on that one. Get this powerful domain diversity, authority, and trust for your sites now.
These links actually work.

I had a nice controlled test site in a fairly easy niche.

A single url link doubled the long tail traffic it was getting.

This is 100% because of this service. The site had no other link building or content posting going on.
Good morning!

Responded to a boat load of PM's.
Got the emails containing details from the two of you guys.
Got the order for the permanent homepage link.

It's all queued up and I'll be smashing it out. Always open for more.

I'll be updating the availability chart sometime today, so keep a lookout at that.


These links actually work.

I had a nice controlled test site in a fairly easy niche.

A single url link doubled the long tail traffic it was getting.

This is 100% because of this service. The site had no other link building or content posting going on.

Thanks, SAD. That was a very helpful experiment for all of us. This is the power of a single link from this network. One order will actually fetch you five links!

SAD told me that this one link sent this site from a zero earner into the triple digits per month... from one link.

Don't pussyfoot around. Increase your earnings by letting me do all the work!
Order placed. Even though we don't get reports can you update us once posts have been made so we can measure results. Thank you. Possible 2nd order soon.
Looks super solid, would love to test this out if open up a Financial network!

I'm actually focusing on getting that done pronto. That's probably the next network to launch!

Order placed. Even though we don't get reports can you update us once posts have been made so we can measure results. Thank you. Possible 2nd order soon.

Gotcha, and we've been emailing back and forth, so we are both on the same page :)

Availability Image has been Updated Above!

Upcoming Networks:
For those waiting for the right niche, let me tell you what I'm getting closer to launching...

Finance - 1
Jewelry - 1
Health - 2
Technology - 1

I'm also considering working towards smaller networks in these:

Paranormal & Occult - 1
Weddings - 1

Feel free to give any suggestions of what you need and I'll try to accomodate what I can.

Client Updates:
An order was completed and an email notification was sent out.
Everyone else is still in the queue, and progress is being made.
Hit me up on Skype when you've got your Tech network up. Might be interested in Health in the coming months.
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