New WP/Twitter Plugin Gets *GUARANTEED* Traffic To Any Blog [FREE Reviews]

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instant automation
Apr 26, 2009
Rating - 100%
7   0   0

UPDATE: In the time it's taken me to write this post the plugin has got 529 visitors (and counting) for my test blog...

WpTweetBomb (WTB) is an
autoblogging system based on using current, talked about keywords to find content.
This is combined with
auto-tweeting each blog post then sitting back and getting free traffic from Twitter
(and Google once the posts are indexed).

You can use your own keywords as well as hot keywords but the real power comes from autoblogging and
tweeting about the exact topics that the rest of the world is really interested in – this minute.
Using WTB you leverage current trends to get content, traffic and more conversions on your blog
which may be affiliate clicks, sales on an e-commerce store, CPA offers, optins or anything else.

How It Works:

The basic idea behind WTB is that if you get content that's popular on the web and cram it down the neck
of as many people on Twitter as possible - you'll get a bunch of traffic.

Once you've ticked a few boxes, entered some Twitter accounts and chosen the number of daily
posts to make WTB will do the rest. Here's a summary of the steps WTB goes through each time it runs:

  1. Collect a piece of content for you keyword
  2. Clean, format and style the content to your liking
  3. Add related keywords, pretty images, links and videos
  4. Post content to your blog
  5. Tweet this new post from a bunch of Twitter accounts
  6. Rinse and repeat as per your settings

What Happens When I Use WTB?

  1. You literally set it and forget it.
    It does everything on it's own. Really.
  2. Awesome content gets posted to your blog
    WTB sucks juicy content from across the web and puts it on your site. The content is extracted
    from (almost) any website, cleaned, formatted and styled as per your settings.
  3. You'll get tons of Twitter traffic.
    I can't say how much because I don't know if you're a WordPress noob, what market your in or how
    you're going to use the plugin. I can say that I've been seeing GREAT results (instant increases of
    500 daily uniques
    ) from my recent tests.


  • integration for short links and click tracking
  • Post from unlimited Twitter accounts
  • Tweet each post many times
  • Email Reports
  • Multiple cron options
  • No duplicate posts
  • One click demo posts
  • Guaranteed hot keywords
  • Powerful post formatting
  • Great blog content
  • Guaranteed traffic
  • Content collected from anywhere (not just RSS)
  • See more features here

I Want More Details...

Check out the site for full details.

Can I See A Demo?

I set up a live demo blog that's running now.

If you've got any questions about the blog just post and I'll answer - I can go through what I did to set
it up if you like.

There's also a full length screenshot of the admin area available.

How Do I Make Money With This?

The same way you make money with any site that gets a bunch of traffic.
You could flog affiliate products, get sales on an e-commerce store, push CPA offers, generate leads,
use adsense, redirect everyone or whatever. Go crazy.

How Can I Get Support?

For any problems, suggestions, bugs, features requests hit the "help" tab in the header of the WTB site or
reply to any of my emails. I'm not really sleeping much atm and coffee is my friend so you'll get a reply
pretty quick.

Is There A Guarantee?

If the plugin fails to do what it says on the tin and I can't help I'll refund your money within 30 days
of your purchase.

Can Haz Free Review?!?!

As this is my first item for sale here, I'm offering a bunch of free reviews...

  • All Mods and Admins get it free...
    ...and updates for life, in exchange for a review in this thread.
  • 10 free review copies available.....
    ...for highly respected, established members if they agree to post feedback in this thread.
Both good and bad feedback is welcomed - seriously - tell me what I need to do to make this better.

Can I Have A Discount?

Sure :)
There's $50 off each of the standard and pro versions of WTB by using the links below. Make sure to use
these links and not the ones on the main site.

The only difference between the versions is the number of sites you can install it on.

Choose which version's right for you the click one of the images above to pay via PayPal.
Your discount will already be applied when you get there.
FYI: This is also listed at WF.

If you've got any questions, fire away. :)

^^ I'm thinking more like 1k posts+ but as you asked first and you've got good itraders - sure.

PM sent.
How does this differ from Twitter Tools?

Twitter Tools is a very basic free tool that allow simple integration with 1 twitter account.

WpTweetBomb is an autoblogging plugin combined with randomization and posting to unlimited Twitter accounts.

It works very well and is a million miles ahead of Twitter Tools in terms of functionality, power and most importantly: results.

I'll take one and give you a legit review.

Awesome - PM on it's way...

8 More free reviews people.

Oh btw I just checked on the click tracking and it's been doing nicely in the last few hours:

Last edited:
I keep checking back to see if anyone left a review, but since no one has, I'd love to write one if you'll offer a free/discounted price. I have a few websites that I can easily try this with and provide a proper review afterwards.

I know my post count is relatively low (I really only use WickedFire for the Buy/Sell sections), but I guarantee you my review will be detailed and timely.

Think about it and let me know.
@SpamHat, sounds pretty sweet actually. I wish you the best of luck with it. :) Do you have an affiliate program for it? Do you plan to develop it in to the future (adding features, etc.)?
Think about it and let me know.

I've actually got a bunch of people using it now, so reviews should follow shortly.

@SpamHat, sounds pretty sweet actually. I wish you the best of luck with it. :) Do you have an affiliate program for it? Do you plan to develop it in to the future (adding features, etc.)?

I replied in a PM, but I'll put it briefly here as well:

1. There's an affiliate program through eJunkie @ 60%. Details here.
2. I've already got a list of new features to add at the request of beta testers and future development is guaranteed :)

Also, to clarify a point in the original post:
There's an unconditional, no questions asked money back guarantee for 30 days with WpTweetBomb.

<edit>PM sent to acemenace</edit>
I'd be very interested in a review copy if you still have some. I have a new site I registered a couple of days ago that this would be perfect for.
Quick question... do the twitter accounts you are currently using (for the link demo) have any followers?
Where is it pulling those images from in the test articles? Because on the demo page they seem way off base for the content.

Also, Are you able to select specific sources of news for the articles you intend to post? Or is it based on keywords only, and whatever news aggregates you've told it to go to?
Where is it pulling those images from in the test articles? Because on the demo page they seem way off base for the content.

Currently from Google images, but if there's somewhere you prefer I can implement it. They can be off base sometimes as it's keyword based - but if you just untick the "Extra Image" box in the admin all the images will be 100% relevant as it will only use images included with the original post. The extra image option was just to have *something* with the post to add some interest.

BTW all images used are uploaded to you blog automatically and not hotlinked, so they'll stay around.

Also, Are you able to select specific sources of news for the articles you intend to post? Or is it based on keywords only, and whatever news aggregates you've told it to go to?

Second one - keyword based and from Google news as it has a nice selection. Do you think it would change things that much adding different news sources?
There is some randomization in the sorting option to aim for a broad range of relevant content.

Quick question... do the twitter accounts you are currently using (for the link demo) have any followers?

That would be really crap if they all had a bunch of followers and I wasn't telling you! No, they were all new accounts created by seoworks09 actually in his deal here at WickedFire (which is a good one, btw). That means they only have incidental follower (probably spam bots) and the traffic is coming from the public timeline, keyword search's etc on Twitter.

Btw, I am considering some rudimentary friend adding functionality for future versions to help beef out the traffic power of the plugin.

I'd be very interested in a review copy if you still have some. I have a new site I registered a couple of days ago that this would be perfect for.

I'm currently waiting on a bunch of people who have got review copies now to post feedback.

lol - just checked in and it's over 2k now.
The Nov 16 figures shown below were only for about a third of a day - I'll have more reliable daily figures after 48 hours probably.

The test blog is currently only posting at like 40% power fyi.

^^ lol - waiting for reviews from guys with copies.

To get the 2k clicks I have it set to 180 daily posts and 5 tweets per post.
The way the plugin works means it skip posts if it finds crappy content, or if posting it would make it a dupe on your blog - so that 180 daily may only be 160.

160x5 = 800 tweets (spread over 100 twitter accounts, avg 8 tweets per account).

When you break down the figures that's only 2.5 clicks per tweet so you can see how easily the 2k can be achieved when you work at scale.

160 daily posts might seem like a lot, but the whole point of the plugin is traffic from Twitter - Google traffic is a side benefit.

To try and mitigate any worries you might have about dupe content - especially when posting tons of posts each day - I'm working on a new feature now that will make all content unique(er) for Google. It's using a technique like the one in the uniquifier plugin but with a better stopwords list and some other funkyness.

Doing a bunch now so if anyone has any features requests gimmie a shout.
Okay, dumb question - if there are no more review copies left (which is very reasonable) and I buy the $47 package and love it - can I upgrade to the $77 package?
^^ No problem.

Just shoot me an email if you want to upgrade.

Almost finished an update with the de duping feature included. Will update you soon...
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