New World Order

In Clinton's first term, during his first State of the Union speech he said something to the effect of -- 'the internet is too big with too much info and needs to be overhauled and parsed and controlled' -- that is not even close to his exact words BUT that is the gist of what he said...

...maybe Gore is currently working on "his" ver. 2.0?

btw-- I made a point of watching various cable newscasts the following day and not even a mention of it.

In Clinton's first term, during his first State of the Union speech he said something to the effect of -- 'the internet is too big with too much info and needs to be overhauled and parsed and controlled' -- that is not even close to his exact words BUT that is the gist of what he said...

...maybe Gore is currently working on "his" ver. 2.0?

btw-- I made a point of watching various cable newscasts the following day and not even a mention of it.

This is not the internet censorship thread, retard. Unless of course you're referring to the curtailing of our virtual civil liberties in per-emption of the post Jones-Apolocalypse internets Sirius Bizness 1212 Om Armaggedon, in which case, yes, well spotted, comrade. 24 hour access to 4500 hundred varities of child porn shall set us free.
Duh -- how u gonna control Duh people if they comunicate freely DUH-- Duhispel.. ur a fuckin retard -- get ur head ouuta ur ass and don't be so fuckin flame happy
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Duh -- how u gonna control Duh people if they comunicate freely DUH-- Duhispel.. ur a fuckin retard -- get ur head ouuta ur ass and don't be so fuckin flame happy

This isn't the "Help! Help, I' being repressed!" thread either, retard. This is Jon's 'lets get the retards to twist their panties in a bunch irrelevant mindless idiocy shit storm thread to take the focus of all the other slightly more relevant mindless idiocy shit storm panty soiling' going elsewhere.

So STFU and let your wildest submissive daddy-didn't love-me sure-someone-still-has-the-magic-unicorn-power I'm-no-longer-hopeless-and-alienated fantasies pour worth like WF is your black-leathered whore and you're president of the Pony Club.
What makes me really curious is that if there were a bunch of super secret and powerful groups (AIPAC, CFR, BILDERBERG, FED, etc.) in control of the world...

Wait, so you don't think the FED is in any way in control of the world? The same FED that prints money and answers to Congress when they feel like it and only what they feel like revealing? That FED? Yeah, they don't run shit.

Well, that would apply to the general concept in future increments up to infinity. I thought Jon was talking more about NWO "experts" always predicting something big like Y2K or H1N1 being used to cause massive death and takeover.

I'm a conspiracy nut in the sense that I think conspiracies are usually false and yet never put to rest for a good reason.

A friend of mine who was in the military who claims he was stationed at area 51 (who knows if he's full of shit or, not could be) and also claims that its completely empty and as far as he knows always has been and yet they still guard it heavily. He says they use conspiracies such as roswell and let them perpetuate to get people to look right when something is going on to the left. Which I think is very true, let people freak out over one thing so you can do legitimate stuff and not get hassled. For instance just 10 years ago the stealth bomber finally got released to the public and it spent 30 years in top secret development in the same desert as area 51.

So while all the alex jones and conspiracy nuts were wearing alien hats and staring at a probably empty building in the middle of the only suitable desert for that type of testing they were free to develop and test stealth technology only a few hundred miles away without our enemies finding out for 30 years.

Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, the top UFO researcher of all time I guess, was actually asked that about Area 51.

Stanton Friedman: Area 51 (UFO Fact or Fiction?), page 1

I don't think Jones is into the UFO thing, but I remember reading that he thought it had to do with the NWO creating a fake alien presence to make nations be more willing to join together in a unified way against a potential alien threat.

There are plenty of obvious UFO nuts, but there are also people like former astronauts and high ranking military and government officials.

[ame=]YouTube - CBS reporting on The Disclosure Project[/ame]

Jones mixes lies with truth. One has to wonder who is sponsoring him as his operation is impeccable, his site maxed to the hilt with ads, his messaging crisp and flawless, frequent updates, a constant churning of content, all mixing partial truth with partial fabrications.

The real conspiracies are the obvious ones in front of our eyes, so obvious they're ridiculed for their oversimplicity. It's obvious that communists have hijacked our government and are following a Cloward-Piven model vis a vis collapsing the structure.

Demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization. The true conspiracies don't have flashy documentaries or perfectly produced videos. They're not agreed on by many people. They're communicated haltingly, with not a lot of clarity, transmitted on unattractive forums and buried in pages of eye-glazing minutia. The true conspiracies actually WORK; standing up and stating it actually provokes the response, "Oh, that's just a conspiracy."

True conspiracies don't have these lauded and praised heros like Jones, producing these slick 'documentaries' where supposedly uber-powerful elite don't have the resources to stage an 'accident' to kill him, and somehow allow him to expose all their plans. True conspiracies are the ones you almost doubt yourself, because it seems like everyone believes the lie. In short, the real conspiracies are almost NEVER detected by the population.

But who would believe a conspiracy like that, when it hasn't been packaged and marketed nicely to them? Who actually has the mental fortitude to form their own ideas and not follow the flock?

[ame=""]YouTube - How To Brainwash A Nation[/ame]
t's obvious that communists have hijacked our government and are following a Cloward-Piven model vis a vis collapsing the structure.

Didn't Marx argue that Capitalism will always (d)evolve into fascism first, then finally into communism (or some shit like that) because the nature of true capitalism is to eat itself due to immense accumulation of wealth into the hands of an ultra-small minority, leading first to nationalization as an attempt to stop the destruction of the system, then ultimately to revolution as the peasants get fed up with the shit? If I didn't read that, I must have just made up some pretty cool shit so I'm claiming copyright on it just in case.
Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, the top UFO researcher of all time I guess, was actually asked that about Area 51.

Exactly what is it that Stanton Friedman "researches"? It's certainly not physical evidence of any kind.

He's a hack and a quack.
The problem with conspiracy theories is that - in order for them to be true - those people conspiring would have to maintain perfect secrecy.

And allegedly a lot of those people are in government.

Bill Clinton couldn't even get a hummer in the Oval Office and keep it a secret. What makes anyone think they could succeed with something that really mattered?
Most people are not very familiar with the intellectual farce that is Marxism. Marx was into historical materialism, and used his own subjective interpretation of the past to make predictions of the future and validate his economic theories.

The reason why it is hard to take Marxism or any socialism seriously, is because it all hinges on one key idea that was refuted over a hundred years ago by a Austrian named Carl Menger during what is known as the "marginal revolution". That poor idea is the labor theory of value. Because the labor theory of value is false, and provably so, all of Marx's economic theories are highly questionable, since their common premise is untrue.

This isn't a critique of Marx because I'm some raving right winger. As an economist, he was very poor, as a historian, he was much worse. It is absolutely nuts how much sway he has over catholic social teaching, university and high school level education throughout the world, considering that his ideas were already refuted before they gained any traction.

It's like if schools still taught flat earth geography today, regardless of the fact that such a notion has been disproved long ago.

Consider how amazing it is that religion, which cannot be falsified, is at an all time low in popularity and yet socialism, which has failed repeatedly and can logically be proven incorrect, is stronger than ever before.

@Hellblazer, all government is socialist by nature. Socialism being the abrogation of property rights. You can't have a government without the power to tax, and taxes, are redistribution of property.

Government doesn't become hijacked by communists. It is communist, and then gets worse over time.
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area 51 exists, that's no secret. next ASW I propose a wickedfire day trip to Area 51.

Edit: Flight tests of stealth still go on there. If you have a military radio receiver, go out on a night with no moon and you can listen to certain frequencies and hear them
Bill Clinton couldn't even get a hummer in the Oval Office and keep it a secret. What makes anyone think they could succeed with something that really mattered?
Are you arguing that because Bill Clinton's blowjob leaked out, governments are unable to keep any secrets at all?

Think the logic of that one over...
[ame=]YouTube - America Freedom To Fascism (01of11)[/ame]

The GLOBAL Elite and Banking Cartel run this Country. Just look at what happened to our Country in the last year - Banker Bailout, Goldman Sachs, Tim Geitner, Obama - holy shit guys...cmon wake up

The government has been setting up a surveillance grid for quite some time - cameras on traffic light systems, gps in your phone, ad infinitum. Big Brother, is TRULY watching everything you do. We all have database files that are jam packed with information about our behaviours. This technology will not make our lives better but will be used to imprison us. If we don't stand up against this tyranny, we are fucked.

Ron Paul
David Icke
Alex Jones
Daniel Estulin
Jim Marrs
Aaron Russo

^^ Listen to these people. Alternative News is the real story - FUCK MAINLINE NEWS - IT IS BOUGHT and PAID FOR!!

All you have to do to see NWO is to look at whats happening in England, Australia and China with the web and human rights. Every once in a while, go read their news and see what is happening. You will be shocked.