New World Order


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
So who here believes in this stuff and what makes you believe its real?

Because so far, over the years all these "they are coming!!" threats have been made, but nothing has panned out. So what the hell are these "evil groups" waiting for?? When will our borders cave in and the US will be melded together with Mexico and Canada?? When are we going to get rid of the US dollar and replace it with that cool looking coin they have been "hiding" from us??

Sounds to me like most of these people who get all into it are just bat shit crazy and are really afraid of something they don't quite understand. The Alex Jones' of the world produce some really entertaining material, but it seems they are worse than the private groups they put all this unnecessary "evil" blame on. Plus, him and his pals seem to be making a pretty good living off of this shit.

What makes me really curious is that if there were a bunch of super secret and powerful groups (AIPAC, CFR, BILDERBERG, FED, etc.) in control of the world, how would people like Alex Jones still be alive? Wouldn't they just censor him and his bat shit crazy pals and/or send Jason Bourne to take him and the others out?

Because this stuff is getting really weird. How is it that these incredibly well connected and awesomely powerful organization able to hijack everything and everyone, but they can't seem to shut the handful of raving lunatics up. Maybe they just can't find him... "Damn that Alex Jones, he's a slippery devil, his black ops counter intelligence network of crazies and tin foil hat wearing banshees have eluded us again!"

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As someone who sits on the board of the NWO, I can tell you with absolute certainty that nothing will preclude our righteous agenda from coming to fruition. Any effort to do so is futile (this thread, for example).

Now, stop concerning yourselves with matters beyond your control and go have a refreshing glass of tap water.
[ame=""]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/ame]
Silencing critics just adds fuel to their fire, gets more people interested and gets more people to look into the conspiracy. If you let these nuts do what they want but discredit them through media or whatever then they look crazy and no one will believe them anyway. When people start getting snatched off the street and shoved into black vans then people may actually start to believe it.
[ame=]YouTube - Music: Hiphop is dead, and Puppet Lil Wayne, SHARED[/ame]
nwo exists - thats from their own words - read their own whitepapers
mother fuckas are crazay and are w/o a doubt trying their damnedest to create a one world government entity
also ignorant to say "they cant find alex jones" rofl
if they kill the dude thats what u call giving credit to anything hes ever said.
hes prob last person theyd go after
There is no Quantum of Solace...

I just think there are a bunch of really wealthy groups who do try and horde as much money and power a possible..but makes sense, no?

If you do want a pretty cool watch on symbols used in corporations/religion/government then Jordan Maxwell is kinda fun.

[ame=]Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols)[/ame]
So who here believes in this stuff and what makes you believe its real?

Because so far, over the years all these "they are coming!!" threats have been made, but nothing has panned out. So what the hell are these "evil groups" waiting for?? When will our borders cave in and the US will be melded together with Mexico and Canada?? When are we going to get rid of the US dollar and replace it with that cool looking coin they have been "hiding" from us??

Sounds to me like most of these people who get all into it are just bat shit crazy and are really afraid of something they don't quite understand. The Alex Jones' of the world produce some really entertaining material, but it seems they are worse than the private groups they put all this unnecessary "evil" blame on. Plus, him and his pals seem to be making a pretty good living off of this shit.

What makes me really curious is that if there were a bunch of super secret and powerful groups (AIPAC, CFR, BILDERBERG, FED, etc.) in control of the world, how would people like Alex Jones still be alive? Wouldn't they just censor him and his bat shit crazy pals and/or send Jason Bourne to take him and the others out?

Because this stuff is getting really weird. How is it that these incredibly well connected and awesomely powerful organization able to hijack everything and everyone, but they can't seem to shut the handful of raving lunatics up. Maybe they just can't find him... "Damn that Alex Jones, he's a slippery devil, his black ops counter intelligence network of crazies and tin foil hat wearing banshees have eluded us again!"


You tell us, you're Jewish. BOOM :)

j/k. aM i banned?
I must admit, I do watch me some Jones, it is very entertaining. I don't watch enough to see what his agenda is, or if there is one, besides making money on DVDs.

As far as a global conspiracy, most people and countries are hanging themselves with a little push from Golden Slacks and friends.....Iceland, Greece.....IMF looking to step in with the loans, and these people are rioting. Spain and Portugal are going in the gutter fast.

Now, what I am most interested in is low cost energy that is being suppressed and ETs that have been here in the past and have made contact.

Project Camelot videos on youtube and their forums are very interesting. There is a lot of crap mixed in there, but there is some fascinating material.

If you google a guy named Steven Greer, you will find project disclosure where he was on Cspan in 2001 with a bunch of military guys and FAA people stating that in fact they have seen alien craft, aliens, there is new physics, sub-quantum kinetics, consciousness science, the secret of alien contact is remote viewing(universal consciousness), etc.
jon - don't you own a company that is inc/fast/fortune500 or something? all it takes is the right lobby approach and you'll sit right next to these 'nwo' guys :) perhaps even eligible for a vote into their relation clubs. it's really nothing as bizarre as media makes out. think the average freemason lodge on an extended macro scale. or a WickedFire comprised of only politicians/industrialists and nobility..
The logic behind people like Alex Jones being around (to conspiracy theorists) is that society will make them and their ideas look crazy, so the "NWO" wants them around so society will marginalize the ideas.