New SEO Analysis Tool - [beta]

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Bought some credits and tried it out, looks good!

I have a question, how do you detect the page language? Because I noticed in the public report, the first backlink for the Payday site is a comment on a Polish website, but it shows the language as English?

As for requests, I would love some sort of a monthly subscription service, anchor breakdown by unique domains and maybe a Link Detective type report showing backlink placements breakdown.

Lastly, what is difference between dead and non-exists backlinks, is one 404 and other absence of the backlink?

Bought some credits and tried it out, looks good!

I have a question, how do you detect the page language? Because I noticed in the public report, the first backlink for the Payday site is a comment on a Polish website, but it shows the language as English?

We analyze it based on the html/php code ie "lang="en"" or hreflang="de" etc. But ya, I agree that page should be showing Polish and not English - even though the site's code writes it as an english page. I'll take a look at our filters and change some stuff around.

As for requests, I would love some sort of a monthly subscription service, anchor breakdown by unique domains and maybe a Link Detective type report showing backlink placements breakdown.

Will add all this to the list. Thanks.

Lastly, what is difference between dead and non-exists backlinks, is one 404 and other absence of the backlink?

Dead usually means the page was dead (at the time of last scrape). Non existent backlink - just means there's no more backlink, but was there at one point.
you rock. very hard. very hard indeed. building a subset of this for domaining needs was next on my list, now i don't have to do it and that has made my day, if not month.

for people bitching about price, this is at cost (at least as far as ahrefs is concerned) or nearly so.

i'd love an api though.

Feature request:

Let me pull data for multiple URLs at once. E.g I want to pull the top 100 sites, but it takes ages to pull all of those reports, remove the missing backlinks and then combine it all.

I'd love to be able to dump 100 URLs into it and then get the backlinks for all of 'em at once.

Also - I notice there is a $1 charge per URL, is it possible to just pay a monthly fee to get this removed? I'm running a lot of reports on sites with low backlinks (e.g like 20 or 30) so it should be costing me like $0.03 or $0.02 but it actually costs me like $1.03. I want you to make money, but it can get excessive if I want links from like 10k different domains.

Also mad props for fixing that bug for me :D. love this tool
Love this tool, using it as part of my 4k post. Any ETA on OSE integration? I wanna give that tool the flick so badly it hurts.

Coming really soon.

Feature request:

Let me pull data for multiple URLs at once. E.g I want to pull the top 100 sites, but it takes ages to pull all of those reports, remove the missing backlinks and then combine it all.

I'd love to be able to dump 100 URLs into it and then get the backlinks for all of 'em at once.

Will add.

Also - I notice there is a $1 charge per URL, is it possible to just pay a monthly fee to get this removed? I'm running a lot of reports on sites with low backlinks (e.g like 20 or 30) so it should be costing me like $0.03 or $0.02 but it actually costs me like $1.03. I want you to make money, but it can get excessive if I want links from like 10k different domains.

Also mad props for fixing that bug for me :D. love this tool

We're still figuring out exactly how to structure the pricing - but we'll figure something out to work for everyone (thus beta ;)). Glad you like.
Man so I did a testrun right now and I'm really happy, really like how all the data is displayed and made available.... Might even ditch my own Ahrefs and Majestic accounts and use this only..

Whoa, just found this out from Tencent's 4k post, absolutely WICKED Illyas....very very cool. Been looking for a tool that pulls Ahrefs, Majestic and OSE (although that's not integrated just yet right?) for a long having to sign up for individual accounts on their side, this makes so much more sense.

You need to promote this a little more - change your sig line or something, because had Tencent not mentioned it in his 4k post, I would've never heard about it.
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