Need Legal Help - Revenge Site

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No I do not run, Although I have heard of it.

Is Anyone Back? | Submit n00dz Anonymously is what I'm running.

I know everyone here is calling me twisted, freak, asshole, dick yadada
I know what i'm doing is wrong. I initially just started this whole thing
with just the intention of posting my ex's and my friends ex's. Now it's turned into a nationwide thing.

I'll look more into 1upem and see what they are doing I guess.

I'm not shutting down my site just because some of you are telling me it's wrong. I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrecking lives. But i'm not giving up on this project, it's the biggest thing I got right now.

EVERYTHING is user-submitted content, they sign a contract with me saying they are fully responsible for that image.

But in all honesty, I know i've got more flaming coming at me. But if someone killed themselves over my website,
the fame would be through the roof, and we all know fame = audience, audience = traffic, traffic = $$

If a girl can't take the mental state then she shouldn't risk the situation of sending her nudes out.

Are you really this dumb? Good thing you posted this in a private thread (I'm sure WF won't just hand over your IP and contact info when asked) how is it even possible for these people to find you? did take any precautions settin this up?
This site is less than a month old and your running scared already. You are pretty much fucked.

he comments on his own site with a link back to his fb saying hes the founder

^ Srs? Loool. OP, were you born retarded or just had a severe head trauma?

edit: I went ahead and set up Google alerts for "Drew Myers", just in case.
I'm speechless.

Where is Suddenly Ass when you need him.

OP I got 2 words for you.

OP: It's one thing doing things that callous. It's one thing doing things that are dumb. But when your behaviour sits right at the crossroads of callous, dumb, and online, you know things aren't going to end well.

I think mods should sticky this thread, because I just know it's going to end up as one of those "warning to others" episodes.
No I do not run, Although I have heard of it.

Is Anyone Back? | Submit n00dz Anonymously is what I'm running.

I know everyone here is calling me twisted, freak, asshole, dick yadada
I know what i'm doing is wrong. I initially just started this whole thing
with just the intention of posting my ex's and my friends ex's. Now it's turned into a nationwide thing.

I'll look more into 1upem and see what they are doing I guess.

I'm not shutting down my site just because some of you are telling me it's wrong. I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrecking lives. But i'm not giving up on this project, it's the biggest thing I got right now.

EVERYTHING is user-submitted content, they sign a contract with me saying they are fully responsible for that image.

But in all honesty, I know i've got more flaming coming at me. But if someone killed themselves over my website,
the fame would be through the roof, and we all know fame = audience, audience = traffic, traffic = $$

If a girl can't take the mental state then she shouldn't risk the situation of sending her nudes out.

Why the fuck are you posting full names and facebook urls?

Posting the pictures is morally questionable.

Identifying the girls and telling randomers on the internet effectively where to find them is straight up criminal, and you should be going to fucking jail for that.

You're ruining loads of peoples careers and lives, the pictures show up for searches for their names for fucks sake.

If it were my daughter or something up on that site, you wouldn't be making this thread, but 6 feet in the ground. Irrespective of how stupid it is of her to send the pics to some guy in the first place.

If you didn't mention names and facebook urls, and watermark the photos, most people would have no idea you were the original publisher in the first place - which at least would give you a vague legal leg to stand on.

Any good lawyer acting on behalf of one of these girls could sue the shit out of you.

If you're going to keep running the site, at least take all the names and FB urls off.

Fuck do I hope someone catches up with you and teaches you a lesson though.
I think I can put myself in OPs shoes. This is your first real "successful" site right? By successful I mean people use it and actually visit it.

That must give you a big thrill, and in a secret way you love the fact that you've done it and it's boosting your ego that you have done something successful.

That's why you don't want to shut it down. Despite you not actually gaining anything money wise, you don't want to shut it down. Why? it's your first baby. But I'd recommend you let that feeling go!!

All the advice you need is here in the thread.

1. You can keep going and see what happens (this is actually fun to do usually in life, but in this case you could get into SERIOUS trouble). I mean can you imagine 1 jury in the USA ever siding with you?? No FUCKING WAY.

2. You can sell it, probably the best option. Although you'll prob only sell for $1-$2k.

3. You can shut it down, and feel good that you've done something significant, now you can think of a new project that makes you happy. Trust me, you will come up with another idea if you've come up with one already.

Let it go.
Well yeah I linked it with my facebook, it initially was my main source of traffic.

Jesus fuck you guys are crazy.

What's the big deal with people knowing who the webmaster is?

And instead of repeatedly telling me i'm doing it wrong, and that i'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff(In which I already know this)

Can I have some insight instead?

How are these other sites staying up?

The original website which was by Hunter Moore, called
(Which got bought out by bullyville for a nominal fee)

Was up for almost 2 years i'd say, exact same setup as mine, and he
was getting around 150k UV's a month, that is insane.

&& to top it all off, his face was everywhere on the website.

So can I have some insight on what can/is going to happen?
I think I can put myself in OPs shoes. This is your first real "successful" site right? By successful I mean people use it and actually visit it.

That must give you a big thrill, and in a secret way you love the fact that you've done it and it's boosting your ego that you have done something successful.

That's why you don't want to shut it down. Despite you not actually gaining anything money wise, you don't want to shut it down. Why? it's your first baby. But I'd recommend you let that feeling go!!

All the advice you need is here in the thread.

1. You can keep going and see what happens (this is actually fun to do usually in life, but in this case you could get into SERIOUS trouble). I mean can you imagine 1 jury in the USA ever siding with you?? No FUCKING WAY.

2. You can sell it, probably the best option. Although you'll prob only sell for $1-$2k.

3. You can shut it down, and feel good that you've done something significant, now you can think of a new project that makes you happy. Trust me, you will come up with another idea if you've come up with one already.

Let it go.

See why can't everyone here be understanding like this guy?

You are completely right, and that is how I feel.
This is my first ever true website and it's successful.
The thrill is crazy, everywhere I go here in ohio I get recongnized
and repeatedly told that they love my website.

I don't want to let it go, because I've seen a guy before me
bring in a 5 figure income. And for a student that barely has enough
money to buy food, that's nominal to me.
OP --

I see a lot of similarities between your site, and another one that's exponentially more well known called "The Dirty" over at

I also see a lot of similarities to some of the stuff I've seen posted over at xHamster. People will edit photo montages together that include Facebook profile info along with embarrassing photos. Stuff like this is on a lot of non-Manwin owned tube sites.

Someone posted a link to a lawyer/law firm further up in this thread. I'd definitely give that guy a call and schedule a one hour consultation.

You've got to figure out how Facebook escapes prosecution and/or somehow defends against lawsuits because they've been accused of hosting some really scandalous content:

Kids raped, sodomized on Facebook pages
Bombshell! America's favorite social network is child-predator playground

Talk to that lawyer. Find out what legal loophole or strategy keeps Facebook online after you read that article. That's the same strategy you may want to consider using to protect yourself AND to resolve issues as they may arise.

@OP: I hope you get an EPICALLY foul disease and your stupid little cock rots off your body, you dripping little goats penis.

I believe I am going to make you a project, fuckface. You think you got exposure now, just wait. Your entire family is going to rue the fucking day your mom didn't scrape your sick, twisted little fetus right out of her fucking abdomen.

Good luck, fucko...
These sites are super common. I get a call at least every month from a father who is ready to kill the guy who owns the site. Seriously, these guys are looking for blood.

Bitch about these sites, is the owners tend to optimize shit pretty well, and the sites themselves carry a lot of authority. In most cases I have to push results down in organic and image search.

Last month I got a call from a fellow in Chicago, who told me that his daughter had been turned away from top universities, and several jobs on account of photos that had been put up when she was in high school. He gave me his daughter's name and walked me through the different properties that hosted the photos. I could just tell he was dying inside, having to show another male, nude photos of his daughter.

Common moral never bothered me much, but I draw the line at sites like this.

@OP: I hope you get an EPICALLY foul disease and your stupid little cock rots off your body, you dripping little goats penis.

I believe I am going to make you a project, fuckface. You think you got exposure now, just wait. Your entire family is going to rue the fucking day your mom didn't scrape your sick, twisted little fetus right out of her fucking abdomen.

Good luck, fucko...

The thing that bugs me about these sites (aside from the obvious) is the blatant disregard for posting anything of quality and instead basically posting anything embarrassing as long as you can tie the image to an identity. Is that really so exciting?

That hot chick you saw at the mall? Chances are she has sent someone a pic of her tits before. So fucking what? Is anyone really surprised that people are using technology to send racy shit to each other all the time? Does having confirmation of such activity give you a boner? Regardless of how good looking the person might be? What is the benefit?

Seems like something for 15 year olds and nothing more. Good luck monetizing that traffic.
So can I have some insight on what can/is going to happen?

Here's whats gonna fucking happen...

You ever hear of karma dude?

You've pissed off, embarrassed, and probably hurt alot of people and families with this site. People probably want your fucking head right now.

Trust me. This shit is gonna backfire on you. It's gonna go viral like it did with that Hunter guy, authorities will probably get involved whether legal or illegal (you've probably never heard the phrase "they'll indict a ham sandwich") and probably ruin your credibility for quite some time.

Unless of course... you want to be known around the world as the piece of shit... ie: Hunter Moore... that started this site. Good luck with your professional career.

I would dump that shit ASAP and start doing some cleanup and damage control before it's too late... but I think that train has passed. You may have been giggling when you posted those pics with the memes below them... but shits gonna get real and all those people who you posted are gonna be laughing their asses off when your life gets turned upside down.

My advice is bend over. Grab yer fucking ankles. Itsa coming!

Over/Under - days before news story comes out about this prick and his website exposing him.

My guess: 11 days (high side)
See why can't everyone here be understanding like this guy?

You are completely right, and that is how I feel.
This is my first ever true website and it's successful.
The thrill is crazy, everywhere I go here in ohio I get recongnized
and repeatedly told that they love my website.

I don't want to let it go, because I've seen a guy before me
bring in a 5 figure income. And for a student that barely has enough
money to buy food, that's nominal to me.

Not everything is as it appears. The best way to avoid problems with the law is disinformation. Why take the chance?
And this is exactly why this is going to end one of 2 ways.
1 you in jail
2 you getting sued for more then you will earn in this lifetime.
Or maybe 3. You wind up dead in a ditch

When doing this type of site you need anonymity.
Domain registered with fake name and paid with a prepaid gas station type debit card. Off shore hosting bought with a different name and different pre paid card. Shill accounts for everything. Also the use of proxies and vps/vpn for everything. Fake CPA accounts. The only way to protect yourself is to hide in plain sight. .
Did you ever stop to think the other guy you mentioned may be using a shill account? Don't let your ego get in the way here.
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