Need Legal Help - Revenge Site

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If I were on that site, I'd be so embarrassed, I'd probably make it my mission to find you and physically force you to take it down.
The problem isn't the website that makes this available, it's people thinking that it's ok to sext then cry about the consequences. You sent a text of you nude to the guy you've gone out with for 3 whole weeks and you expected it to stay private ... really?

You can't legislate morality, that's exactly what most of you are suggesting here. Society is as society does.

One thing is to send your girlfriend nude pics of you, another thing is that person uploading the pics to the internet (pretty fucking stupid) and yet another thing is create a website that identifies people with their full names and FB urls (should go to jail for sure, similar to a virtual rape, site created just for that purpose and posts are fist checked by the admin who enters the person's full name and nude pictures.)

Morality cannot be legislated, Crime can and is.

For the sake of God Dotcom made millions from other people's creations but never ruined their lives by outing them in the internet.
Morals aside, how could you be stupid enough to make a site like this and have it traced back to you? Cops showing up and your house and shit? WTF?

You'd be surprised how far a few store bought prepaid debt cards would go in buying your domain, webhosting, and a VPS service for accessing it all.
One thing is to send your girlfriend nude pics of you, another thing is that person uploading the pics to the internet (pretty fucking stupid) and yet another thing is create a website that identifies people with their full names and FB urls (should go to jail for sure, similar to a virtual rape, site created just for that purpose and posts are fist checked by the admin who enters the person's full name and nude pictures.)

Morality cannot be legislated, Crime can and is.

For the sake of God Dotcom made millions from other people's creations but never ruined their lives by outing them in the internet.

Virtual rape really?
One thing is to send your girlfriend nude pics of you, another thing is that person uploading the pics to the internet (pretty fucking stupid) and yet another thing is create a website that identifies people with their full names and FB urls

I'm not arguing that any party is just ... I do think that your order of "wrong" is in reverse

site = morally grey at best
sextee = pretty damn cruel
sexter = fuck all stupid but likes to blame others for their dumb ass decisions

So you think all 3 should be in jail? Thugs in blue arresting all because some child somewhere saw something naughty?

Everyone has to live with the consequences of their decisions.

For the sake of God Dotcom made millions from other people's creations but never ruined their lives ...

Tell that to hollywood

Suicide of Amanda Todd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The trauma left could be pretty similar yes, with the small addition that everyone knows who you are and could even lose a job or not getting one because of this.

It's hard not to sound like a dick here, but we can't be responsible for other people's feelings. Had Amanda Todd made better decisions, suicide wouldn't be one of them.

This whole "anti-bullying" thing has gotten way out of control. It teaches people how not to take responsibility for their life and doesn't fucking prepare anyone for adulthood. It's always someone else.
No I do not run, Although I have heard of it.

Is Anyone Back? | Submit n00dz Anonymously is what I'm running.

I know everyone here is calling me twisted, freak, asshole, dick yadada
I know what i'm doing is wrong. I initially just started this whole thing
with just the intention of posting my ex's and my friends ex's. Now it's turned into a nationwide thing.

I'll look more into 1upem and see what they are doing I guess.

I'm not shutting down my site just because some of you are telling me it's wrong. I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrecking lives. But i'm not giving up on this project, it's the biggest thing I got right now.

EVERYTHING is user-submitted content, they sign a contract with me saying they are fully responsible for that image.

But in all honesty, I know i've got more flaming coming at me. But if someone killed themselves over my website,
the fame would be through the roof, and we all know fame = audience, audience = traffic, traffic = $$

If a girl can't take the mental state then she shouldn't risk the situation of sending her nudes out.
All these sites (there's a dozen of them) are gonna get raped by the lawyer who has been quite vocal about one mentioned in this thread. He's, no doubt with government agencies, been building evidence on these guys for a while now. Contacting victims, ISPs, hosts etc.

None of these "webmasters" have the sense to take it offshore, use Bitcoins/prepaid cards and fake WHOIS behind WHOIS protection so they are all out there.

Their biggest mistake, other than starting these gutter-level sites, has been the watermarking of the photos. Well done. Gone from UGC (protected by CDA 230 etc) to now being edited content. You gonna get raped. Good riddance.
Kids these days. You know it's wrong, but it's the only thing you got going on? Just think if that was your sister or your daughter on the site.

Either way, coming from someone who has been sued before, it's not fun. Basically since you have no money to afford a lawyer you will get fucked. All it takes is one pissed off person with deep pockets and a good lawyer and they can own you. Honestly I would be more scared of someone showing up at my house and physically harming me. You never know who you are fucking with.

Best thing to do if you are going to continue being a shallow shit bag, is to at least protect yourself exactly like Wickedjoe suggested.
No I do not run, Although I have heard of it.

Is Anyone Back? | Submit n00dz Anonymously is what I'm running.

I know everyone here is calling me twisted, freak, asshole, dick yadada
I know what i'm doing is wrong. I initially just started this whole thing
with just the intention of posting my ex's and my friends ex's. Now it's turned into a nationwide thing.

I'll look more into 1upem and see what they are doing I guess.

I'm not shutting down my site just because some of you are telling me it's wrong. I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrecking lives. But i'm not giving up on this project, it's the biggest thing I got right now.

EVERYTHING is user-submitted content, they sign a contract with me saying they are fully responsible for that image.

But in all honesty, I know i've got more flaming coming at me. But if someone killed themselves over my website,
the fame would be through the roof, and we all know fame = audience, audience = traffic, traffic = $$

If a girl can't take the mental state then she shouldn't risk the situation of sending her nudes out.


No I do not run, Although I have heard of it.

Is Anyone Back? | Submit n00dz Anonymously is what I'm running.

I know everyone here is calling me twisted, freak, asshole, dick yadada
I know what i'm doing is wrong. I initially just started this whole thing
with just the intention of posting my ex's and my friends ex's. Now it's turned into a nationwide thing.

I'll look more into 1upem and see what they are doing I guess.

I'm not shutting down my site just because some of you are telling me it's wrong. I know it's wrong, I know I'm wrecking lives. But i'm not giving up on this project, it's the biggest thing I got right now.

EVERYTHING is user-submitted content, they sign a contract with me saying they are fully responsible for that image.

But in all honesty, I know i've got more flaming coming at me. But if someone killed themselves over my website,
the fame would be through the roof, and we all know fame = audience, audience = traffic, traffic = $$

If a girl can't take the mental state then she shouldn't risk the situation of sending her nudes out.

So, let me get this straight...

1. You have no idea of whether this is legal or not
2. You do it any ways
3. You're not making any money
4. You're not smart enough to hide that it is you doing it
5. You ask WickedFire for legal advice
6. You ignore advice that could save your ass
7. You then post you dont care if people kill themselves because it will make you money?

I've seen some dumb fuckheads in my short time here... but you sir, take the cake... I'm sure you will end up in prison, sued or both soon enough.

Congrats... You're a fucking moron! :action-smiley-052:
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