As a wise man once said "This thread is relevant to my interests"
Props to:
-dchuk for the solid info and bringing up Pomodoro.
-Grindstone for hard specific advice.
-Micha for going open with this experiment and the link to a Pomodora timer.
You're welcome
Sunday and I did a tiny bit off work and a lot off trolling over the web. But checked in on my site and a lot of my BL is constantly getting indexed so that feels good. I usually work on Sundays but I couldn't help my self now as I feel that I'm in a roll. As it looks now so will I receive some assistant from my friend that Is managing a an office in Kuala Lumpur and fan use company resources so I feel good.
What did I get done... Not much went back to my web 2.0 net and started to post new spun content and managed to get about 60 new BL so I can sleep well tonight knowing that i cleared my 50 minimum.
I also decided to gibe it a run with blog commenting it managed to do 700 successful posts. I have no idea if they will be approved and how low the approval rate will be and the quality off the links so Im not counting them in he links that Im writing down.
I have an awesome spreadsheet that I put down every link that I place where they point dates and PR, so I can track all my process.
I also went trough a ton of .pdf files and organized a ton off really high PR forum links, and there comes my first question.. pm if you want it, maybe I will share.
1.) Does it matter how high PR a forum has when my profile in there always has a PR of 0?
I also was looking for some new offer to run and ran into one that looked insanely good, but it turned out that they only accepted Web, Email, SocialNet. I could only find it on. do you guys know if it even possible to contact the company and see if I can run it on organic search.
Promotion Allowed: Web, Email, SocialNet
Promotion Not Allowed:Search, DLS, RegPath, Host And Post / WhitelabelIts
Efficencytip off the day Caffeine and monotone music will help you get work done
and some titties
There will be more variation in tittie section I just happened to like trashy chicks....