My phone was stolen!

All the "other goodies provided by the government" pale in comparison to the amount spent on pointless wars & other shitty government spending...

the white nationalists running shit steal from you every day...

You're actually more likely to get robbed by a white person in a suit than an illegal immigrant.

if you spend/make money in the USA you DO get robbed by white people more than any other ethnicity in the country...

illegal aliens do not steal more from you than white nationals...

It's funny how scared you are to compare direct crime statistics of illegal aliens to the citizens of that country. You don't even bother trying because you know you'll lose.

But, fundamentally, you're a dishonest person and a Democrat shill, so you try to portray government spending as "crime" and compare the two. It would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. Just stop, man, it's getting sad to watch.

Furthermore, there are no "white nationalists" running this country. In case you haven't noticed, the President is an ardent Muslim sympathizer and attended a black supremacist church. The Attorney General is black and a supporter of the New Black Panthers. The whites in Congress are trying their hardest to nationalize the tens of millions of illegal aliens, with a few people trying to stop it.

The colleges give preferential treatment to non-whites. Eric Holder refused to prosecute blacks for hate crimes, saying it would be going against "his people". Every day, the people "running this country" attack whites and treat them differently from non-whites. You're a fucking idiot who parrots Democrat Party/liberal talking points because you don't have an original thought in your empty head.

Illegal aliens aren't "immigrants", they're criminals who broke the law and deserve to be deported, preferably after they've done jail time for their crime. Calling for the laws to be enforced isn't "xenophobic", regardless of how many times MSNBC says it. Xenophobia is fear or hatred of people from different countries. Newsflash, bro: there's already millions of American citizens living here who are from other countries. And I don't have a problem with them. You're a run-of-the-mill leftist retard, plain and simple.

And Medicare and Medicaid "pale in comparison" to the other spending? They, along with SS, are what will destroy this country. They are trillions of dollars in debt, and their unfunded liabilities will bankrupt the U.S.

You don't have an original thought in your head. You're like any one of the hundred brainwashed drones roaming this forum, thinking that the nauseating drivel and talking points you spew are somehow unique and have never been heard before. You are the perfect product of liberal brainwashing. Now STFU.

Not worth it. He lives a quarter mile from where I do, and comes by the same park as I do nearly every single day. Cracking a jaw would have been nice, but then me being jumped by a group later on wouldn't be so nice. All I wanted was my phone back, that was resolved. I can safely tell you that he will never look to steal my phone again. I also learned my lesson in taking precautions with leaving my phone out in the open. aka downloaded my StealThis app.

Also, I am not part Russian, I am full Russian by blood.

You need to lay down the law mayynnn.

1st he jacks your iphone

soon he'll be jacking your huffy 10 speed bike

and then next he will be jacking your woman. And you know what they say "once they go black they ain't never going back" dawg.

You got to handle that shizzzat like this vigilante - after some white women strung out on meth stole his amazon shipment of icecubes and coffee!

[ame=]After package stolen, one man's sarcastic way of catching thief CBS 5 KPHO - YouTube[/ame]
Solid week. Hit with a tint summons today at 2 am.


When did it change from 30%? Light transmittance of 70% was always the norm.
It's funny how scared you are to compare direct crime statistics of illegal aliens to the citizens of that country. You don't even bother trying because you know you'll lose.

But, fundamentally, you're a dishonest person and a Democrat shill, so you try to portray government spending as "crime" and compare the two. It would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. Just stop, man, it's getting sad to watch.

Furthermore, there are no "white nationalists" running this country. In case you haven't noticed, the President is an ardent Muslim sympathizer and attended a black supremacist church. The Attorney General is black and a supporter of the New Black Panthers. The whites in Congress are trying their hardest to nationalize the tens of millions of illegal aliens, with a few people trying to stop it.

The colleges give preferential treatment to non-whites. Eric Holder refused to prosecute blacks for hate crimes, saying it would be going against "his people". Every day, the people "running this country" attack whites and treat them differently from non-whites. You're a fucking idiot who parrots Democrat Party/liberal talking points because you don't have an original thought in your empty head.

Illegal aliens aren't "immigrants", they're criminals who broke the law and deserve to be deported, preferably after they've done jail time for their crime. Calling for the laws to be enforced isn't "xenophobic", regardless of how many times MSNBC says it. Xenophobia is fear or hatred of people from different countries. Newsflash, bro: there's already millions of American citizens living here who are from other countries. And I don't have a problem with them. You're a run-of-the-mill leftist retard, plain and simple.

And Medicare and Medicaid "pale in comparison" to the other spending? They, along with SS, are what will destroy this country. They are trillions of dollars in debt, and their unfunded liabilities will bankrupt the U.S.

You don't have an original thought in your head. You're like any one of the hundred brainwashed drones roaming this forum, thinking that the nauseating drivel and talking points you spew are somehow unique and have never been heard before. You are the perfect product of liberal brainwashing. Now STFU.

I'm not going to waste my time addressing your shitty individual points, because we'd be here all day.

I'd just like to say you've demonstrated a complete inability to discuss a topic without trying to pigeonhole me as some lockstep political ideologue.

This is VERY telling as it implies you yourself pay close attention to the "talking points" to a degree that you're willing to project that tendency onto other people.

For the record, I don't identify with any political party, as I believe they can only limit your worldview. Nor do I have any vested interest in defending immigrants.

I just find it rather pathetic you buy into the Immigrant Mania the MSM pedals decade after decade.

It only serves as a distraction to more important issues...

...But apparently you're more concerned with undocumented peasants than being strong-armed by men who repeatedly exercise their "infallible" will over your life.

The colleges give preferential treatment to non-whites. Eric Holder refused to prosecute blacks for hate crimes, saying it would be going against "his people". Every day, the people "running this country" attack whites and treat them differently from non-whites.

Ahhhh, how cute. You're finally experiencing what minorities have had to go through for hundreds of years in this country and now you're throwing a temper tantrum. How does it feel to be the new nigger?

(For the record, I'm against racism and racial favoritism as well. It's just funny seeing white people get their fucking panties up in a bunch like they're the first race that's ever been thrown to the back of a bus).